Dance Off

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So I included Videos of the dances if you want to watch them. The third is shorter so sorry about that. You don't have to watch/listen if you don't want to. I just thought it would be pretty cool!


"Shhh!" Kori cut George off. 

"Where do objects go when they disappear?" 

"Anywhere except the place they disappear from."

The knocker skeptically let them pass. They entered into the common room. Bookshelves lined the walls and a few paintings hung on the wall. Chairs had been pushed to the sides to clear a wide space for the dancers. Three judges sat at a table, ready to evaluate the dancers. 

First would be the one person dance. 

Next would be the two person dance. 

Lastly was the three person dance. 

Both teams waited for the judges final result. 

"Hey, Kori?" Fred said. 

"Yeah?" Kori responded. 

"You did amazing," he said. 

"Thanks, you guys did too," Kori said. 

"Annie wins!" the judges announced. 

The twins checked Kori's reaction. She applauded and appeared rather nonchalant. 

"Nice moves, Dragneel," Annie complimented. 

"Thanks," Kori said. "You did really well."

"You're not upset?" George asked when Annie had left. 

"No," Kori said. "Annie takes dance lessons."

Kori threw a quick glance to her watch. 

"I got to get you two back to your common room," she noticed. "Follow me."

The three left without anyone noticing. They silently followed Kori down the hall. She paused at a wall and began tapping the bricks lightly. 

"Well, well, well," a voice echoed behind them. 

"Peeves?" Kori asked perking up. 

"Kori?" Peeves said rather surprised. "I've been waiting to get you in trouble!"

"I'm actually glad you're here," Kori said. "I was hoping you'd be able to cause some chaos."

"Why should I help you?" Peeves said floating upside down. 

"You're not helping me," she argued. "You're helping no one except yourself. I need you to cause a huge ruckus in that classroom right over there."

Peeves quickly flew into the classroom and began shouting while smashing things. 

"What is that going to do?" Fred asked. 

"Help our escape," Kori replied finally finding the right brick. The wall opened and she pulled the two into the wall before it closed and Filch showed up. "Follow me."

They ran down the dark passage and soon came to a dead end. 

"Did you take a wrong turn?" George asked. 

"Yes," Kori said. "You'll be coming out by the Hufflepuff common room instead of Gryffindor. They're not too far apart so you should be fine."

She reached up and opened a trap door. A ladder came down. The two boys moved to climb up. 

"Be careful," Kori whispered to them before turning and going back the way they had come. 

That night, Fred dreamed of Kori. They would dance together in their house. Their kids would grow up learning the basics of dance. They would enter dance competitions and win. They would be know across the wizarding world as revolutionary dancers. They would kiss and dance and go on dates and enjoy each others' company. They would be happy. 

Kori, meanwhile, was having a very different dream. She was back in the woods with her mother. She had been sternly chided for not hitting the targets. Her mother growled harshly and demanded she try again. Kori continued to try. She wanted to meet the expectations. She wanted to prove herself. She wanted her mom to let her know she was doing good and didn't need to work any harder. She wanted to know there was nothing she could do to gain the pure love given to her. She wanted her mom to be proud. 

So that last paragraph got a little too real. Anyway, Sorry this was so short. I also just came back from a month long road trip where I couldn't update. I'm trying to update now but it's going to be slow. I'm sorry. 

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Where stories live. Discover now