3rd Year Train

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Train ride part of 3rd year. Sorry about publishing all those other parts then taking them back!!!

Kori's eyes sweeped across the usual area. Train, People, luggage, nervous parents smothering her with hugs, Weasleys. She gave a reassuring smile to her parents before lugging everything onto the train. Her trunk seemed to be eight times lighter, probably because she decided to work out during the summer. She had gotten much stronger and had been able to create her own fighting style: a mix of almost all fighting styles combined with a bit of freestyle dance and magic. She sat in her compartment, alone, with her book on her lap and her backpack at her feet. She had learned long ago to bring one, primarily so she could easily reach what she needed to. The compartment door opened to admit two people. 

"Are these seats taken?" a voice asked. Kori looked up and froze. Red hair. Freckles. Trunk. The name came to her: Ron Weasley. She shook her head no. The face from a year ago sat across from her and a face from the future sat next to her past. The new face had glasses and wore black hair. 

"I'm Harry," the black haired boy said. Kori gave a small smile.


"Kori?" Ron asked. He looked her up and down. "You've changed. Hold on a second," Ron looked back and forth between Kori and Harry. "You two could be siblings! The green eyes, the black hair . . ."

"I suppose so," Kori said. She turned back to her book. She continued reading as the two boys across from her became best friends. She continued reading through the encounter with Hermione Granger, looking up only to answer what the title of her book was. At Hogwarts, she unloaded her things, watched the sorting, ate some food, and went to bed. 

She saw glimpses of the Weasleys, but no more than that. That is, until one day fate chose to rear its jolie laide head. 

Go look up Jolie laide because it's actually pretty cool. Sorry this chapter is short, I'm just trying to get you guys to the better ones.

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