The Challenge (Demands Satisfaction)

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"Listen, Dragon, you know how Halloween is coming up--we should come up with an outstanding prank that will blow the entire school away!" Fred said while he walked with his brother and Dragon towards the dining hall for lunch.

"Got any ideas?" Kori asked. 

"Well, you are the Ravenclaw of this group," George pointed out. Kori only rolled her eyes and began walking towards her table.

"Kori!" Annie said excitedly a few minutes after Kori had sat down.

"Mhmm?" Kori hummed, looking up from reviewing her potions essay.

"I challenge you to a dance off! Ravenclaw common room, night before Halloween!" Annie tended to have a lot of energy but she poured her heart and soul into dance. Kori rolled up her essay.

"Two backup dancers? Also, you may want to reconsider as I'm not the best dancer."

"Don't worry, I got you a choreographer. Meet Tony," Annie said pointing to a boy sitting next to her. Kori waved. "And we'll have three rounds: one-on-one same song, partner dance--partner choice, and three on three with your choice."

"What if I can't find anyone?"

"Forfeit. I get my choice of candy next Hogsmead trip."

"Darn. Same prize for me?"

"Yeah, or I'll buy you a book." Kori's eyes lit up. She was trapped.

"You're on." Too late, she realized what she had agreed to on her way to Herbology with the twins. She never danced before! She was barely comfortable in her own skin, much less while dancing. Trouble must have found its way onto her expression.

"What's wrong, Dragon?" Fred asked, genuinely concerned. Kori shook her head. Annie bounded over to their group.

"Kori, practices will be during any free time you guys can meet up, unless you want to forfeit." Annie bounded away.

"What's this about practice, Dragon?" George asked skeptically.

"Yeah, Dragon, have you taken up a second sport?" Fred asked with a slightly accusatory glare. Kori's cheeks reddened slightly.

"Annie challenged me to a dance-off, three rounds. I need to find one dance partner and two backup dancers by at least Saturday so I can start practicing before Halloween. Winner buys the other candy at the next Hogsmead trip."

"What about us?" George asked.

"What about you?" Kori asked. Fred feigned hurt.

"Dragon! You have to do something ridiculously absurd and didn't think of us?! I am very, very disappointed in you!" Fred scolded.

"How dare you not even think of us?" George chimed in.

"The nerve!" Fred said looking at his brother then turning to Kori.

Kori rolled her eyes and payed attention to the instructions dished out by Professor Sprout. Today there were going to learn about Mandrakes. Kori attempted to focus on copying notes about the interesting species but the twins kept nagging her about dance. She finally bent to their will while walking back to the castle.

"Fine!" she snapped after class as they walked back to the school. "But practice is going to be in the Ravenclaw common room and if this doesn't work because you guys have done something wrong, you're paying me back!"

The three made it to Charms where they read out of a chapter for the entire class. The twins asked Kori about the dance off and she said absolutely nothing until class was over. After Charms they ate dinner, where Kori was so busy studying for their potions test that she forgot to eat.

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Where stories live. Discover now