Training and a Lot of It

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Kori sleepily rubbed all access dreams from her face and changed into her unusual t-shirt and shorts. There was always one weird day when she wore shorts, even in freezing weather. Today was a brisk fall day with a slight breeze but plenty of sunshine so her fashion choice wasn't too abnormal. She brushed her teeth and hair, pulling the latter into a ponytail. She laced up her boots and walked downstairs. She was met with an energetic Davis. He bounded over to her and walked out of the tower with her.

"Hey, Kori. We got practice today after breakfast, if you can make it," he said, flashing his bright teeth at her. 

"Sounds good," she said with a smile of her own.

She was ready to tackle this day and all the hard work it brought with it. She grabbed a slightly bigger breakfast than usual--bacon, toast, scrambled eggs, and orange juice-- and began walking towards the Quidditch pitch. When she got there, she was met with the Ravenclaw team. 

"So, Slytherin seems to be the team to beat, again," Davis said, observing his team. "We play Hufflepuff next week so lets really try are best at practice. We need to brush up on some of our tactics so be ready to memorize a lot of new plays. All right, one practice lap then we practice."

Kori mounted her broom and took one lap around the field before taking her post in front of the goals. The Chasers practiced scoring on her while the beaters hit back and forth to each other and the Seeker practiced some speed flying. Davis then set up some obstacles near the ground and had the entire team fly through them as fast as they could. Then they had to do it on foot. They figured out that Kori was rather fast both on her feet and on her broom. By the end of practice, they were all sweaty, panting, and slightly muddy. They hit the showers then reviewed some plays.

"So, that's when Kori drops the Quaffle and we zoom to the other side. Beaters need to aim mainly for the seeker and any Chasers that are flying around with little to no interest in them. Keeper needs to be guarding those goals and getting their hands on the Quaffle ASAP for the return down field. Questions?"

There were none. This left them the rest of the day. 

Kori walked in and was immediately smothered by the twins. 

"Our little Kori's okay!" they said, throwing their arms around her. 

"Why is this such a big deal?" she asked, slightly flustered and mainly confused. 

"Quidditch is one of the most dangerous sports of the wizarding world," Fred scolded.

"Don't ever let us have this much anxiety ever again!" George added. They gave her one more hug before looping their arms around her shoulder and ushering her to the library.

"We have some ideas!" Fred sang gleefully.

"And we want to know if they'll work!" George also sang. Unfortunately, someone didn't want them to cross the hallway.

"Well, well, if it isn't the peasants and their filthy Mudblood," Draco scoffed. "Out for a stroll to the graveyard to bury her alive?"

George and Fred's ears turned red. Kori was bold enough to respond.

"Yes, actually, only this is my American Ninja Warrior training. The Warp Wall is one thing but this is going to build my stamina. The fear also helps with muscle building so I'll probably do some lunges there too. Are you guys going that way to put your reputations in?"

"That's hilarious coming from you. And are you two Weasley's so poor you have to get money from graves to stay alive?"

Their red ears deepened. 

"Well, I mean, it's not like their using it. And Five Guys is definitely worth it," Kori responded smoothly. 

"Five guys? Aren't you the little slut."

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon