New Old Partner in Crime

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"Get to work," snappy Snape snapped.

The trio of destruction did. Kori knew just the right potion to create an explosion (Semus was, unfortunately, in a different year). Snape's cabinet had all the ingredients they'd need. Kori had to be careful that she grabbed the actual potion ingredients as well as the explosion ones so it didn't seem that suspicious. After adding the ingredients for the potion they were suppose to be making, Kori would add gillyweed to counterbalance the effects. Meanwhile, Fred and George got to work on Snape's hair dye: a combo of neon yellow hair dye, bright silver glitter (courtesy of Kori), and a bit of crushed dung bomb for smell. Kori had to make an explosion that would also mask the smell of dung bomb. Snape began walking back towards Kori and her potion when he smelled . . . something. Kori quickly threw in a little gunpowder. Snape came to investigate and began one of his drawls.

"Miss Dragneel, where do you see to add gunpowder in th--" He was cut off with a BANG! when the potion exploded right in his face. The smoke lingered for a moment. The Weasleys crept up behind the professor and dumped bleach then the dye concoction onto his head. His hair immediately turned the desired color with the desired effects.

"Well, sir, gunpowder would be added if you wished to create an explosion. You would follow the directions if you wished to make a love potion." Snape scowled and declared detention.

"That was bloody fantastic!" Fred shouted as he exchanged high fives with his team.

The three almost pranced down the hall, giggling and earning strange glances from less happy students. They continued to laugh when they took their seats for Charms. They had just finished laughing when Flitwick asked what was so funny. The trio and anyone else that had come from potions roared with laughter, leaving others stumped. Kori was, surprisingly, able to get the other two to calm down enough to help them complete the Freezing Charm. Kori, for some reason, preformed spells associated with ice exceedingly well. The class ended and the three marched off to lunch. Or, at least, 66.6666667% of the group did. The other 33.333333% went to the library to read.

"Oi, Dragon, you need to eat," Fred said seeing her turn away from the Dining Hall and towards the library.

"I'll eat at dinner. Right now, I need to finish those chapters for Quirrel and write that essay for Magical Theory. I'll catch up with you guys later!" Kori waved and began to walk away before George grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her back.

"You're going to die of starvation unless you eat," George said leading her to the Griffindor table.

"Don't you guys have that homework, too? After all, we did all take the same classes."

"Dragon, we only took those classes because we, first of all, had to fill up our schedule and second of all, you were there," Fred said grabbing her shoulder and forcing her to sit between them.

"Who takes Magical Theory anyway?" George asked spooning food on a plate.

"Those who are logical, curious, and wish to expand their horizons," Kori said, attempting to wriggle out.

"Hogwash, when are the two of us ever going to use that sort of information in the Joke Shop?" Fred asked while scooping fruit onto the plate.

"You know, when you learn the basics of spells you can create your own," Kori said, neglecting the plate set in front of her. The twins glanced at each other. Now they were interested.

"What sort of spells?" George inquired skeptically.

"Almost any type," Kori said. She grabbed a sandwich and wriggled out. The twins followed suit and the three walked off towards the library. They, unfortunately, ran into trouble on the way there.

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن