Dates and Sardines

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Ok so I 100% lied last chapter. Please forgive me! Hopefully Kori will actually team up with the twins in this one. If you want me to put your OC or something in as someone's friend just comment the details. Enjoy!

Kori POV

I wake up feeling better than usual, even though I'm not exactly looking forward to today. I change into skinny jeans, brown boots, and a batman t shirt with a red flannel over it complete with my scarf. I almost bounce down the stairs and to my table to eat breakfast.

"Hey, Kori," someone says. I look up to see Miranda, a fellow Ravenclaw. Totally making up names. Forgive me! Comment and your character can be here instead of this "Miranda" Typically, when people talk to me I would say very little but I'm trying to break that habit.

"Hi Miranda! You going to Hogsmead today?"

"Yep, you?"


"Cool! See you around and I'll be hanging out with Sarah and Lizzy if you want to join us!"

"Ok!" Miranda goes back to her friends. Weird. Typically I am left alone. Maybe people aren't as bad as I thought.

"Do my ears deceive me?"

"Or am I dreaming?" Great. The twins are here.

" 'Tis this too much to hope for?"

"Our little Kori going to Hogsmead to socialize?"

"I'm the same age as you two."

"Yes, yes, I'm sure you are." Fred pats my head and smiles at me the way you would smile at a child who said they were going to grow up and be a horse. Unicorn was too mainstream.

"Weasleys!" McGonagle #justkilledanothername storms over. "I could tolerate the first, second, and third times but this is pushing it. What is this, the fifth time you've been found at the Ravenclaw table? Move it, move it. You can converse at Hogsmead."

The twins drag themselves to their table. Another voice comes from my right.

"I've been looking for a date and I think you could be it."

"Ryan. Always a pleasure. And you said you wanted a date, correct?" He nods. I grab a small, dried fruit from the table and chuck it at his head.

"Ow! What was that?" He holds his head.

"A date," I reply innocently. Hahahahah the puns! Cause guys, it's a date! He storms away.

"Ready to go?" The twins ask simultaneously.

"Yeah." They put their arms around my shoulders, preventing me from escape. Once names have been checked we walk out.

"So, where to first?" I ask my escorts.

"Pranking supplies." And we did get pranking supplies.

"Next?" George asks. We walk side by side. I look around before spotting it. My eyes light up and without even telling them I rush off.

"Huh? Wait Kori!" They shout. I don't stop. Not until I'm inside one of my favorite stores.

I run up and down the aisles looking at them all. The twins easily find me in the muggle fiction section mumbling about beauty and the beast and detectives. Flashback to one of the previous chapters.

"We should've seen this coming," Fred tells George. I scour shelves searching for it.

"May we help?" George asks.

"Author is brothers Grim and the title of the book is Complete Collection of Brothers Grim Fairy Tales." We look everywhere.

"I'll be right back," Fred whispers to us. I don't give indication I heard.

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Where stories live. Discover now