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So this is when Kori and Fred do detention for Snape. They figured out that they have the same schedule, Fred just isn't observant. Enjoy!

Fred POV I'm going to be writing from his point of view more than I thought. Sorry!

I dash into the classroom.

"Mr. Weasley, so glad you could join us. You're late."

"Barely..." I mumble.

"What was that?" Snape snaps. Hehe, Snape snaps.

"Nothing." He glares at me. Kori is already here.

"Perhaps you don't know the meaning of 7:15. Tomorrow night, detention again, same time. Ms. Dragneel, you need to come too."

"But I- yes professor." For a short moment, there was the fire of old Kori in new Kori's eyes. It disappeared as fast as it appeared.

"Good. Maybe this will teach you to listen to others. Now, you must clean the desks. Don't touch mine. No magic so hand over your wands. . . Mr. Weasley. . . You have until 8:00. Better get started."

Snappy, sorry I mean Snape, leaves (finally). Kori grabs a damp rag and the trash can. I grab the other damp rag. We work in silence for a few moments before I brake the ice.

"Sorry I got you detention again."

"It's fine. Now we're even." What? I don't want to be even! I want you to owe me Kori! Wow Fred, just wow. Seriously like calm yourself. You have every class with her. You're right conscience. She will be mine... Sooner or later.

We continue sweeping crumbs and such into the trash can. We skip over a few hard to get spots we'll get later. 

"So, tell me about yourself," I said.


"Is it a crime to get to know a pretty girl?"

"Is that really your excuse to talk to me?"

"Um, yes?"

"You need to get a more believable one." We work in silence for a little bit longer. I don't think she remembers me. Kori goes to the pile of cleaning supplies Snape left us with.

"At least tell me where you're from." She huffs.

"Maine." She goes through the supplies obviously looking for something.

"Er... I don't know where that is."

"America." She sits back on her heels. "Where's the gosh darn multi-surface cleaner?"

"The what?"

"Muggle product."

"Oh. Wait, you're a mudblood?" I forgot she's a Muggle and is probably used to this sort of thing.

"I classify myself as one."

She grabs the bucket and fills it with warm water, then goes to the tables to scrub the spots we skipped over. I watch her work. She's skinny but with muscles, or at least biceps, like I remember her. Her ponytail falls over one shoulder as she works. It's longer than I remember. Her eyes are duller, smaller, less captivating and distracting. She's changed.

"Finished," she proclaims.

"Great." We leave.

George was apparently standing outside the door like he usually does when I have detention and vice versa.

"So, how was your date?"

"I-it wasn't a date."

"Uh-huh." Disbelief is more evident than necessary. I need to start talking to Kori as a friend then get her as a girlfriend.

"Why don't we finish setting up those fireworks?" I suggest.

"Great. In the field as planned?" We nod. I've gotta push Kori to the side of my mind. This will be one of the biggest pranks yet.

Kori POV

I walk off to the library. I need to finish my homework. I see Fred and George sneak through, causing me to question following them. Probably not, I don't want to get into more trouble. I finish then walk to the Ravenclaw common room. Other Ravenclaws are standing outside, bickering about the riddle.

"You are locked in a car with a hammer. How do you get out?" Of course wizards don't know this one. They don't drive cars.

"You unlock it." I've heard that riddle before and the answer is by far the most stupid I've ever heard. No matter, I got changed and went to bed.

I hope you all have slept before so I can add a time skip. If you have never slept before, please call Hogwarts. 

I wake up to a whistle.


Another whistle.


A flash of blue light and an aching head from falling off my bed. 

My roommates look out the window. Another flash of blue light and earth shattering boom gives the result of black spots dancing in front of our eyes. An eagle made from fireworks appears near the Black Lake. So guys, I'm pretty sure my geography is off and something is wrong here but please just roll with my failures. Suddenly, a red lion appears made from fireworks and attacks the eagle, showering the lawn with sparks. The lion roars in challenge. Two idiots with flaming hair on brooms fly towards the window. I grab a couple of water balloons I have, for some reason, sitting next to my bed. I take careful aim and let them fly, soaking the two boys. The fireworks die down. I go back to bed, happy I was able to hit them half asleep at three in the morning.

So yeah. Ignore my failures and pretend like they make sense. Tbh, a few names are made up. Please just kinda live with it.

I rush downstairs for breakfast, hoping to get an early start on a new book I want to read. I grab some toast then start running upstairs only to be blocked by Ryan. Ryan is a fourth year and for some reason is very taken with me.

"So, Kori. You think about my offer?"



"Go away."

"Oh come on! You love me! The whole school knows it."

"Well apparently I'm not a part of the school." Stupid Hufflepuff. Totally spelled that wrong.

"Oh come on. Even a nerd needs cheering up with something other then books." I clench my fists trying not to punch him.



"I'm a geek. The context would suggest the use of the word geek or dork rather then nerd, a term you would use when someone is infatuated with schoolwork or school related activities, not a book series." I push my way past him.

"Oh come on babe! If you date me, maybe you won't be a peasant anymore."

"I prefer the term commoner!" I shout back.

I power walk to the library. I still have ten minutes and 48 seconds of reading time. I settle down with my book and am just about to read before the twins sneak past me. I'm curious but would never dare follow. A Series of Unfortunate Events is just too good. Raise your hand if you like, LOVE that series! ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋ ok, just me. The bell rings, but it's not too much of a disappointment. I've got free time and always go help Hagrid during time off. How else am I going to get experience?

Thoughts? I'm feeling this is pretty sucky. Sorry you have to live with this!

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Where stories live. Discover now