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This is more likely the chapter where Kori helps them.

Kori POV

It's been a long day at school and I just want to read. I sneak out late at night. I sneak my way to the library and see the Weasleys there too. I ignore them. After a few minutes they disappear. I keep reading. I hear footsteps and try to find a hiding spot. I see part of a tunnel behind a bookcase and dive in. I follow the passage just in case a teacher saw me. A dim light comes on at the end of the tunnel. I step out to see a room with bubbling potions, wrapped products, and disgusting smells.

"Well, well, well."

"What do we have here?" Great, a cliche. I've stumbled into their factory.

"Sorry, wrong room. I'll just be leaving now."

"Oh I'm sorry-"

"But we can't let you leave."

"You've seen our methods and know the location. You could spill to someone."

"I would never!"

"That's what they all say." Fred shakes his head in mock sadness. They start circling me.

"So George, what are you thinking?"

"The perfect test subject."

"I couldn't agree more." They grab my hands and pull me along with them. After two showers the dye had washed out of my hair but theirs was still glittery and pink.

"Please let me go."

"No." They grin at me. They remind me a little too much of the Cheshire Cat.

"Here, try this one." Fred's holding me down as George tries to feed it to me. I lock my lips.

"Come on. Just eat it." I lean against Fred, trying to get away.

"Any ideas, Fred?" I relies how he's holding me with enough strength so I won't fall. I decide to go for it. I jump into Fred and kick George with both my feet in the stomach, causing him to fall. A surprised Fred's grip slackens. I twist free and run for the tunnel, only to have my ankle caught by Fred. I fall onto my stomach.

Fred clicks his tongue after picking me up and tying my wrists together and my feet to the floor. "Naughty Kori. Trying to run away, are you love?"

"That won't do. You need to be punished." I stare ahead. No emotion, no thoughts, no problems.

"Why aren't you talking? No witty remarks?" I bite my tongue to keep from firing words at them.

"Come on, Kori. You need to eat something." George tries to give me the candy again.

"You skipped breakfast. You need to eat something."

Fred is behind me again. He has his arms wrapped around me so I can barely move. George, again, tries to feed it to me. I tuck my chin to my neck. I'm not eating that. Fred let's go and walks around to the front of me. He lifts my head.

"You need to do something for us." He looks into my eyes. No emotion, Kori, show no emotion. His eyes convey sadness, pleading, and a bit of lust. I tighten my jaw, determined not to break.

"C'mon Kori."

"Do something."

"I'm not going to eat or drink anything unless I know what it is and what it does."

Fred unties me and takes me to a cauldron.

"Here's the recipe." He hands me a rune paper. The top says "Un-dying Potion."

"Alright." I get to work. First, I decode. I leave out the English translation to some key words so they can't make this without me or their textbook that they never look at. I follow the instructions perfectly. The potion's done in no time.

"Am I free to go?" The brothers converse in whispers.

They turn to me. "You may but only if-"

"You're our partner and swear not to tell anyone about this."

"I swear," I say with a huge lump in my throat. They let me through. I creep back to my common room and go to bed. What have I gotten myself into?

3rd Person

Fred and George use the potion to change their hair back to normal. Who knew school could come in handy?

"I'm going to have a bruise on my stomach for a while."

Sorry it's so short. Thoughts?

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Where stories live. Discover now