Math and Goodbyes

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Kori sighed. She folded her robes and other cloths and put them in her suitcase. After that she stored away her books and schools supplies. Khione was in her cage and ready to hit the road. Kori took one last sweeping glance at her room before leaving, knowing she would be back next year. She trudged down the hill with her roommates and boarded the train, looking for a compartment all to herself. She found an empty one, put her trunk and owl up, took out a book, and began reading. Three loud voices found their way in and stored their trunks away. Kori didn't even look up. Two people sat across from her and one sat beside her. A hand appeared out of her peripheral vision and smacked the middle of the page she was on, causing her to jump slightly. The three voices giggled and Kori couldn't help but join in too. Lee, George, and Fred all sat in their seats like the first day they rode the train. 

"Put your book away, Dragon," Lee said.

"Yeah, we're going to brainstorm pranks for next year and recount some ones fromt his year, too," George said.

"Remember that time with the broomstick, Kori?" Fred asked with a flirtatious wink.

"Oh yeah," she recalled, bookmarking her page. "I still owe you death."

"Really? I don't remember that day," Fred suddenly said with a very confused look.

"Wait, Kori, if you're an American witch, how come you didn't go to Ilvermorny?" George asked.

"I got a letter from them too but apparently Hogwarts heard about how my magic was super strong. They also got wind of how my parents had been super powerful in the magic arts. McGonagle is a very persuasive writer."

"Do you still have the letter?" Lee asked. Kori nodded and pulled it out of her trunk. Lee took it and read it out loud.

"Dear Miss Kori Dragneel,

We her at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have heard of your parentage, exceptional grades, and inexpiable magical feats. We are a school that takes great interest in people like you and trains them to become powerful, bright, young adults with a high function in wizard society. Here are some classes we offer:

History of Magic


"Oh, skip ahead," Fred said. Lee continued.

"We hope you have taken an interest in these classes and plan on spending at least your first year at Hogwarts to try it out. We recognize how much this move will cost and have decided to provide you with an all-expense paid move, should you choose to accept our generous offer. 

If you are able to join us, as we hope, you will meet a man with a top hat, bright green jacket, and magenta boots at the docks when you step off the ship we will be providing for you. He will explain materials and where you will be staying. If you have any questions please contact us through owl.


Minerva McGonagle."

"Wow. We didn't know you were so highly thought of, Dragon," George said.

"Hey, I just figured they saw my pre-calc/trig scores and liked them."

"What's pre-calc/trig?" Fred asked. Kori looked at him in bewilderment. She glanced around at her friends faces to see they were just as confused. She blinked twice.

"It's an elevated form of muggle math that, usually, seniors take. I took the summer class of it the year before I got to England."

"What's math?" Lee asked.

"Well it's . . . it's kinda . . . well . . . It's easier if I show you." She opened her trunk again and grabbed her math book. "I brought this to study. You see, in these sorts of problems your trying to find the limits to the functions." She looked up from her book to see more confused faces. "You use numbers that are in an equation to represent the maximum or minimum of a real problem."

"Like Divination?" Lee asked.

"Sort of? Here, why don't I start you guys with some fraction work." She took three blank pieces of parchment from her trunk and wrote problems on them. She explained how to solve then handed them out. 

"Wait, so you do . . . this?" Fred asked. Kori looked over his shoulder.

"Yep and then add the top. Only the top though, not the bottom." And so the train ride continued. Kori checked their answers then taught them how to solve equations for x before giving them new problems.

"Wow, Dragon. I never knew muggle schooling could be this fun," Fred said as he gathered his stuff and began walking out the door. 

"Math has always been one of my favorite subjects," Kori said stepping off the train.

"Well, you're really good at it, Dragon. See you guys next year!" Lee said, waving as he walked towards his family.

The Weasleys stood with Kori's parents, each exchanging culture and asking questions. Kori walked over to her parents to give them a hug each. 

"Mum! Mum! Mum! Can Kori can over some time?" the twins asked. 

"Why don't we talk about that later," Mrs. Weasly said to Fred and George. 

"Well, we should probably head home, right honey?" Kori's mom asked her husband.

"Yep. We better get going. Bye!" The family of two Princetons and one Dragneel walked away, waving to their new friends.

"So, how was school?" Mr. Princeton asked in the car as they drove home.

"It was amazing! There's this professor who can turn into a cat . . . " and Kori continued explaining Hogwarts, all the people, all the magic, and all other amazing, astounding facs that came to her head. 

"Sounds like you had quite the adventure," Mrs. Princeton said. 

"I'm so excited to go back next year!" 

Kori couldn't contain herself. When she got home she took out her homework and began practicing. She practiced making simple potions in the kitchen, making her parents clap their hands. She wrote out her essay about cauldrons and read it to them, creating more applause and excitement. Her parents were absolutely thrilled to see their daughter preforming magic. She helped explain to them the rules established for the safety of witches and wizards. They were so excited and proud. She made sure to write to Fred and George at least every week and they made sure to respond almost every week. Their grammar was constantly improved thanks to Kori. Kori couldn't wait for next year.

Thoughts? It's not super long but we're going to get into year 2 in a chapter or two. I'll write one about summer and the rest about going back. Please comment!!!! I appreciate ALL feedback, even if it's slightly mean. Thanks!!!!!!!!!

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora