Some Fighting Words - Hear The Truth

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I will not last forever. My body is made up of chemicals. Carbon, oxygen, magnesium. I am billions of particles packed together into the shape of a human. Eventually I will break down and return to the earth from which I came. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. That's what it means, right?
The only proof that I ever existed may be in the form of an old piece of stone, carved with my name. Or it may only be in a dusty old book of census records.
I am a compound that is miraculously pieced together so that I can move and think for myself.
I will not last forever. But maybe my words will. My words are not a compound. My words are not a conglomeration of chemicals. They are a concept, an idea. That is the one thing you cannot kill. Ideas have existed since the beginning of time, and they will continue to exist until all life ceases to be.
Listen to my words. Let them outlive me. Let me tell you the things that are happening and what the truth about them is. I do not trust the human race. I do not trust that they will tell the truth to those too young to remember this. They will do what they have done to me and my generation in the past. They will water down what happened so that we don't see the true nature of humanity. So that we can't change anything. They are afraid of change. They are afraid to let go of their power.
Take it from them. Hear the truth, from a soul like yours. Hear the truth, from a soul that deeply cares and is hurt by all the wrong in the world. Hear the truth, and don't be afraid to rise up and reclaim what is yours.

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