Natural Fit

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I held your hand for the first time
And I didn't feel the electric spark
They talk about when describing
But who says that's a bad thing?
A spark, though equated with passion,
Is a form of resistance.
I felt no resistance,
No friction between us.
I felt two hands come together,
Two hearts that have been apart too long.
Our hands, though different sizes,
Fit like two puzzle pieces.
One of those well-cut puzzles
Whose edges are smooth
And fit together without
The slightest effort.
It's the biggest relief
After so many days when
Excruciating effort is required
Just to get out of bed,
When I have fought tooth and nail
Against the demons in my head
To live long enough to hold your hand.
I felt no spark,
But in a world on fire,
A bit of peace is a beautiful thing.
This does not mean we are not
Destined to intertwine
Our hands and our souls.
Quite the opposite,
For the universe has labored greatly
To bring us back together
After so much time,
And as our fingers lock together,
It finally has time to breathe.

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