Touch Me

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I have not had someone
In close enough proximity
To touch
For a long time.
I crave it,
Feel myself being drawn to you
Even as we are in separate households.
Touch me.
Touch me.
Touch me.
It doesn't have to be sexual
To be intimate.
Hold my hand to let me know
You are not only here beside me
But here in this moment.
Kiss and rub the scars on my arms
So that I know you aren't
Shying away from my past,
And convince me there is no need
For any more.
Kiss me and moisturize my lips,
Make them glow like
No lip balm ever could.
Trace your fingers along my collarbone
But promise me you won't squeeze.
Cup your hands along the back of my skull,
But do not pull.
Touch me like a crystal,
For my geode has already been
Shattered open.
I have sharp edges and I dare not breathe
For fear I'll prick you.
I hope that I can light up your world
As much as you light up mine.

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