XXIX : The Last Retaliation

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Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

The Last Retaliation

Peter tore down the battlefield, wiping down everything in his path until he was in front of the Witch. Jadis had taken up another sword so that she was wielding a sword in both hands by the time she reached Peter. Peter swung first at Jadis with his sword which she easily countered and swiped away. Peter wasn't thinking clearly, he wasn't strategizing at all. All he was doing was going forwards and attacking and Jadis was taking advantage of it.

Peter continued to make strike after strike while Jadis just repeatedly dodged them. He wasn't making any advantages or progress, all Peter was managing to do was exhaust himself. At one point, when Peter swung, Jadis caught his sword in a cross with both of her own. It had reached the point that Peter was gasping for air he was so tired and Jadis was eating right off of it. She began to strike back at Peter with agility and strife as he repeatedly beat the boy. Thankfully Peter still had his shield because he was able to block most of her attacks. She swung at him with both swords though that the force knocked him off his feet and he landed painfully on his back. As he jumped back to his feet, he reached up feeling a tang of pain from his face and realized that she had cut his eyebrow and blood dripped onto his fingertips.

He glared at Jadis before swinging at her again over and over. When he stopped to regain his breath, Jadis swung at him with both swords like Oreius had done earlier to her, and Peter bent backward as the two swords crossed in front of his face barely missing his neck. The two parried back and forth until they reached a stand still observing the other one. Peter was quickly running out of ideas and was beginning to wish he had waited for Elizabeth. He swung his sword for Jadis but she repeatedly blocked and struck back at him. The two were making no progress whatsoever.

As Peter went in for another strike, a loud growl made both of them freeze in their tracks. As they turned to the hill where the growl came from, Aslan ran on top of the hill on a large boulder before he reared his head back and let out a loud roar that caused everyone on the battlefield to freeze for a moment.

"Impossible," Jadis muttered as she stared at the lion in disbelief. How could this be? She killed him herself only hours ago.

With Aslan's roar, retaliation came to the other side of the battlefield, loads and loads of reinforcements to Aslan's aid ready to fight. Peter smiled when he saw his sisters standing at the front of the group and then Elizabeth running up to Aslan's side.

Jadis took advantage of Peter's distraction and struck at him. Thankfully Peter took notice and raised his shield to block her. Elizabeth who was watching overhead watched in horror as Jadis attacked Peter. Her eyes grew wide as she watched the fight and frantically searched around for something to help her get down quickly to help Peter. That's when she saw a flash of feathers and claws and noticed Kael circling overhead. She put her fingers in her mouth and let out a high pitch whistle to get Kael's attention.

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