Chapter 26: Operation Argo

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"I'm in position," I said through my ear receiver or comms.

"Copy that, Alpha Team," said Zuku or should I say, Purple Hawk. I don't know why he picked purple. To me, it seems like a weird colour to choose. We were really glad he agreed to help us. But, he's the person who would rather be behind a monitor screen rather than being out in the field. Plus, he was really happy that Garry found his missing car. So, he was guiding us from outside in a van while the three of us were outside about to enter John Doe's building.

"What about Gamma and Epsilon?" he asked.

"I'm in position," Gamma (Garry) responded from the far left of the building.

"Same," replied Epsilon (Katy) from behind the building.

"Okay then," said Purple Hawk. You know what, let's just call him Hawk. "Epsilon, when you enter, there should be a door in front of you. Enter the room, and cut off all the power to the building when Alpha give the orders. Gamma, after that, enter the second room to your left on the second floor. The captives should be inside. Heat signatures suggest two guards guarding it. Take them out, but be careful quite and free the captives. By that time Epsilon should arrive at your location and help you. Alpha, you go and find information about John Doe and the other two pieces of the staff. Remember, Sebastian told us John Doe wouldn't be here in this hour. Do you copy?"

"Affirmative," all of us replied.

"Okay. Operation Argo about to commence," I said.

"What does that even mean?" asked Garry.

I rolled my eyes, "Really. Jason and The Argonauts. The Quest For The Golden Fleece? He travelled aboard the Argo, their ship, and went to Colchis to retreive the fleece. The captives are our Golden Fleece!"

"What?" he said confusingly. "How should I know that. I don't read Percy Jackson."

"Whatever. It's a cool name, deal with it," I said. "On three. One. Two. Three! Good luck!"

Then, the three of us did our tasks.

I entered the old building. It was located near the harbour. As I pulled the door, the smell of fish hit my nose. It was really gross. I went up three floors up and walked to the end of the hallway and peeked at the right corner. As I did that, I saw two guards guarding a wooden door, John Doe's office.

I put on the night vision goggles, "I'm there. Epsilon, cut the power," I ordered.

"Roger," she said. Sure enough, the power went off and all the light sources died.

"Okay team, engage now!" I said. I pulled out my tranquillizer pistol and aimed at the two alarmed guards. Undeniably, they both fell to the ground. Immediately, I ran straight to the wooden door. Inside it, I found a metal desk. On top of it, there was a computer. I quickly slid my flash drive to a USB slot and copied all the information from the computer.

As it copied, I trashed the room for five minutes trying to find other two pieces. I didn't find them though, but I did find something valuable. I found it inside one of the desk drawers. It was an old ring. It was made out of silver, with a green gem on it. A ring which I have seen before, but didn't know where. I put it inside the pocket of my tactical hoodie. After that, I went to the computer and took my flash drive. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from outside. It was headed right for that room.

"Alpha, there's someone coming," alerted Eagle.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" I whispered frustratingly.

"I was posting something on Instagram," he replied.

I grumbled.

"Alpha, you there? Epsilon and I are about to leave the building. Do you need assistance?" asked Gamma.

"Negative. Don't compromise the mission. Make sure that all of the captives are all safe. I'll think of something," I told her.

I looked to my left. There was a window. I ran to it. When I opened it, I saw a ledge. Reluctantly, I hopped outside and balanced myself on the beam. I then closed the window. Instantly, the door opened. I wanted to see the person who entered, but I didn't want to risk it. I held my breath as I carefully walked sideways to a tall tree. After that, I jumped. Luckily, I managed to grab on a bench. I worked my way dow the tree, dangling. When I reached down, I ran towards to the inconspicuous black van parked near a lamp post.

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