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"Hey Katelyn, Vlyad!We made a picnic for you's!"Aphnau said and handed it to Katelyn.
"Awww!Thats so nice of you's but there's a boat right behind you.Where are you's going?"Katelyn asked.
"Uhh you know it's only for the two of you and we wanted to leave you in piece."Aphmau winked at Katelyn.
Katelyn went bright red and said,
"Hehehe!Aww Katelyn~Sama's going red!How cute~!Kawaii~Chan made all of the food and drinks so I hope you enjoy!Bai Katelyn~Sama and Vlyad~Kun!"Kawaii~Chan said in her usual high-pitched voice.
"Okay thanks Kawaii~Chan.We'll see you's later.See ya."Katelyn waved goodbye and walked up with Vlyad to a nearby hill with a cherry blossom tree on top.
Once they reached the top and settled the picnic up they started to have general chit-chat while eating Kawaii~Chan's treats.
They talked for 15-20 minuets until Katelyn asked the question she was waiting an answer for.
"Vlyad?"She asked.
"I want to know why you really came for me."
"..Well..."He began.
His cheeks flushed when he stopped and looked at Katelyn.
"Just tell me!Im impatient you know!"Katelyn demanded.
"I-I'm not good with words so I'll just show you."

Vlyadlyn Fanfic (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant