xl || house of sacrifice

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Joy, Patricia, Eddie and Fabian all stood in Frobisher's Secret Study.

"Nothing," Patricia stated, withdrawing her eye from the looking hole, "I was so sure."

"Maybe there's something else that matches the riddle," Fabian spoke, as he sat down on the sofa. He impatiently tapped his fingers on the arm of the sofa.

Eddie huffed, as he flung himself down on the sofa beside Fabian, "Anyone else want to work on one of the other riddles?"

Joy jumped down from the desk, which she was sitting on, "Okay, how about this - in the morning we try and decipher the riddle for the Ankh head, then until then we try and find a way to open the chest we found."

"Sounds good," Eddie nodded.


Sibuna all stood outside Nina at Lavender's room at midnight. In Fabian's hands sat the chest they had retrieved from the drama room yesterday.

"Ready?" Eddie nodded in Fabian's direction. Fabian nodded back, before gently placing his hand on the handle to their room. He then slowly pushed it down and opened the door. He, Eddie and Patricia, then crept into the room, while Joy stayed on the lookout outside.

Fabian placed the box down on Nina's bedside cabinet, then approached Nina and tried to see if she was wearing her locket. While Fabian was doing that, Eddie and Patricia both searched the room, in case Nina wasn't wearing it.

Slowly, Fabian moved Nina's hair, so he could see her neck, "She isn't wearing the locket," he informed them in a quiet tone, before helping them search the room.

"It has to be somewhere in the room then," Eddie stated, as he looked through one of her and Lavender's draws.

"Okay," Patricia stated, stopping her search for a second, "We've known Nina for ages - where would she be likely to hide something?"

"Yes," A voice sounded from behind them, "Where?"

All of them, in panic, snapped their heads around to see Nina sat on her bed, the chest in her hands.

"Nina," Patricia stated.

"Good evening, Patricia, Eddie, Fabian. Now, what's this?" she asked, examining the chest. She then noticed the Eye of Horus mark, so stood up, walked over to her wardrobe, rummaged around for a second, until she pulled out her locket. She then walked back to her bed, where the chest sat, placed her locket over the Eye of Horus mark, and the chest opened.

Inside of it sat the left part of the cross. Carefully and cautiously, Nina picked it up. A split second later, she dropped it and fell unconscious.

Nina stood in the Frobisher Library with both Joy and Fabian. They were looking through a chest, hunting for the Mask of Anubis. A few seconds later, Nina pulled it out and started to breathe heavily.

"Nina, you don't have to do this," Fabian told her.

Nina gently shook her head, "I do."

They were suddenly interrupted by Amber crawling into the library through the entrance from the tunnels, "The third eye," she stated, "You need the third eye."

"My dad's gem," Jerome clarified, following Amber out.

"Tell me you still have it, Jerome," Nina grew worried and walked a little closer to Jerome.

"No, I gave it to-" Jerome began to explain, before being interrupted by Eddie and Patricia bursting through the door.

"Eddie?" Nina asked, turning to face him.

Sibuna Sacrifice // House of Anubis Season 4Where stories live. Discover now