Chapter 1

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This is my first fanfic, hope you enjoy!

Mercy POV

"Gah! I need healing!" Mercy heard over her ear piece, she rushed to a small, run down house where Tracer was, holding her side, she rushed over and healed Tracer with her staff.

"whew! Thanks love, stay safe!" said Tracer as she blinked out of the room. 

Mercy listened for anyone else in need over her ear piece but no voice came asking for healing. She started to leave the house when she suddenly stopped. She couldn't here anything, not a voice, not a gun shot, nothing. Mercy reached for her side arm, not knowing what to expect. She slowly walked out of the house, looking left and right, when she heard a gun shot.

Pain exploded in the back of her leg and she cried out, then more gun shots and more pain in shoulder and back, Mercy was able to hobble back into the house leaned against the wall, holding her side. she tried to walk but instead fell she touched her ear piece "H-h-elp," she managed to say but was returned with "retreat! All Overwatch agents retreat!" from Soldier 76.

"they, they didn't hear me," she thought, Mercy then heard footsteps drawing closer and looked out to see Talon agents running to the door way. "This is the end," she thought as the world started to blur.

Suddenly the agents started shouting and guns started firing. Mercy sat up a little still bleeding out and wincing in pain. She grabbed her pistol and turned to the door way to see a hooded man in a mask, staring at her. Mercy tried to raise her pistol but was unable to.

"who, are yo-" that's when she fell and everything went black.

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