Chapter 23

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Angela's POV

Angela watched the man she loves turn into his smoky figure then disappear. Angela took a deep breath then put her gun up and made her way around the corner, she looked to see the back of Ana and smiled.

"Ana," she breathed and Ana turned around and a look of relief washed over the sniper's face.

"Oh Angela, I'm so glad to see you still alive," Ana said.

Angela put the gun down then walked to her and gave her a hug. She looked behind Ana to see pretty much half of Overwatch standing there, some looked beaten and battered, and Angela noticed Hanzo holding Widowmaker's unconscious body in his arms and Sombra holding a very bruised Mccree.

"What happened?" She asked worriedly.

"When Talon came they took you and others as well. Probably to figure out how they work or brain wash them," Ana explained.

"Well let's get back to the base so I can check up on them," Angela said ushering everyone to start walking.

"Oh, I don't think you're going anywhere," said a voice behind them.

Everyone turned around to see Doomfist standing there, "herregud, (oh god)" Angela said in Swedish.

Doomfist chuckled and raised his fist, Sombra let Mccree lean against the wall for support then walked up to the front of the group and put out her hand. The pink strings came out and attached to Doomfist's metal fist, the fist was overcome with pink and Sombra raised her hand and made Doomfist punch himself in the face. Twice. Three times. A fourth. Doomfist lifted his other hand and two beams came out of a glove and most of them just barley dodged. It broke Sombra's connection with the metal fist and after Doomfist recovered from the punches, he started walking towards us. The group ran down the hall as Hanzo and Genji shot at them with arrows and shurikens. But they didn't seem to be doing much as Doomfist was blocking them. Sombra started typing something on a nano screen then swiped it away and took out her gun.

"What did you do?" Angela asked Sombra.

"Sent someone a message," she replied then started shooting at Doomfist.

There was a gasp behind the group, they turned to see Ana's eyes wide, she falls to the ground and stand only feet away was Moira, a purple orb hovering over her left hand. She had a small smirk on her face as she pushed the orb out. The orb got bigger and it attached to everyone but Angela, Sombra, Genji and Hanzo. Angela looked down in shock and sadness seeing them dead, she heard cries of pain and turned to seeing the beans from Doomfist hit Hanzo, Genji and Sombra and they fell dead. She looked around the floor seeing all her friends dead, She sunk to the ground as Doomfist and Moira started coming closer, out of the corner of Angela's eye she saw a small bit of black smoke around the corner where Moira was standing. But her attention turned back to her dead friends and she started shaking as she felt something in the pit of her stomach.

"It's over Mercy, you can either join us, or die," Moira said and purple orb coming above her hand.

"Never," Angela answered her voice coming out in a whispered.

Moira smirked and was about to push out the orb when something started to happen, a light yellow started coming from Angela like smoke, her eyes opened and started glowing yellow, "NO!" she shouted then a ring of yellow light blasted out of her knocked Doomfist and Moira back and making the bodies of her friends glow a bright yellow and they all gasped as breath filled their lungs again. Everyone got up and after a small bit of confusion, they started attacking Moira and Doomfist. Moira's face contorted into a furious look, she was about to push out another purple orb when a shot gun raised and was pressed against the side of her head.

"I wouldn't," Reaper growled clicking off the safety.

Moira's hand crushed the purple orb, then she disappeared in a puff of blac and purple smoke. Reaper then shot at Doomfist and caught him in the arm making him growl. Moira appeared next to Doomfist and touched his arm.

"Save this fight for another day I guess," Moira said before they both disappeared.

Everyone looked around in confusion and Mercy was breathing hard and sweat had gathered in between her brow. Black dots started clouding Mercy's vision before she fell over and went into complete unconsciousness, and the last thing she saw was the man in black coming towards her.

lost love (Reaper x Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now