Chapter 24

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Reaper POV

Reaper saw Angela collapse to the ground, so he walked over to her and pulled off on of his gloves and checked her pulse. She had a strong pulse which Reaper was happy for, he put his glove on and disappeared again back to his apartment.

Sombra POV

Sombra got hit with Doomfist's, fist, which sent her flying at the wall at the end of the hall and she fell to the ground...dead. Opening her eyes all she saw was darkness, never ending darkness, and she was just there, floating in the middle of his never ending darkness. She blinked and suddenly she could see was back at the Talon compound. She looked down to see her body laying there dead, then she looked up seeing Hanzo and Genji get struck down by Doomfist. She and when looking to her right seeing everyone except Angela get killed by Moira. There were words exchanged but Sombra couldn't here them, she looked at Angela and noticed she was giving off a very light yellow light that was coming off her like smoke.

"NO!" Angela yelled which Sombra could somehow hear.

An explosion of the yellow light came from Angela and knocked Doomfist and Moira back. Sombra felt herself float off the ground again and was pushed down back into her body. She gasped as breath filled her lungs again and slowly getting back up from the ground like everyone else she was incredibly confused when Moira appeared and disappeared with Doomfist.

"Lo que acaba de sucereder? (What just happened?)" Sombra asked.

"I-I don't know," Ana said.

Sombra looked down and saw a faint wisp of black smoke disappeared and an unconscious Angela, "esta chica siempre est'a siendo noqueada?" (Is this girl always getting knocked out?)" Sombra muttered under her breath.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Jack said picking up Angela then he and Ana lead the way out.

"Hey Cowboy, you're looking better," Sombra said walking next to Mccree in the back of the group.

"Well I thank Mercy for that," he replied.

"So, What happened when you were dead?" She asked.

"Just stared seein' my old life, when I was a kid and went through my years up to Overwatch, then I was pulled out of it like a dream and I woke up," Mccree explained. "what bout' you?"

"Much different than you, I was watching everything that happened with Mercy, Doomfist, and Moira outside my body, then I saw a bright yellow light come out of Angela and I was put back into my own body again. Pretty strange huh, Amigo?"

Mccree grunted in reply and the pair continued their walk to the ship in silence.

lost love (Reaper x Mercy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz