Chapter 12

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Mcree POV

Soldier 76 led Mcree and Angela down to the meeting room, most of the other members were there except and Lucio who were watching Hanzo, Sombra, and Widowmaker. Mcree and Angela sat down near the front of the table, and the room was silent for a minute. "I think Sombra, Hanzo and Widowmaker should be offered a chance to be in Overwatch, " 76 said.

Everyone stared at him in shock, "what happened to the guy that didn't want me to help Widow because they were bad people?" asked Angela.

76 growled at her a little but Angela seemed unfazed. Mcree asked, "why should they be in Overwatch? They're criminals."

"If I recall, so were you," Angela pointed out, and Mcree just snorted.

"Well it doesn't sound like the worst idea," Pharah said. "I mean, look at how much Mcree changed, he was the guy everyone looked at as a criminal and then he turned into someone everyone could trust."

"I believe that anyone should be able to get second chance," said Zenyatta.

"Well of course you agree with this, but I don't," said Mcree.

"well then let's put it to a vote," said Ana.

Mcree, Zarya, and Tordjorn voted against the 3 joining, everyone else voted yes.

Mcree and Angela were walking down the hall to the infermory when they heard yelling. they ran into the room to see Widow awake yelling at Lucio and in French, "Qui diable êtes-vous et pourquoi suis-je ici? (Who the hell are you and why am I here?)" asked Widowmaker.

"Look, relax, no one's going to hurt you Amigo," Sombra said, trying to calm her down.

"Calm down?! How did I even get here?! 

"Calm down?! How did I even get here?! Vous ne commencez pas à répondre à mes questions dès maintenant- (you don't start answering my questions right now-),"

"Enough," Angela said a little forcefully, drawing everyone's attention to her as she walked into the room. "Amilie, everything is alright, you were brainwashed by Talon, who ingected you with a venom that I can't remove and I'm sorry for that. I was able to undo the brainwashing though your memories will be a little foggy for a few days.

"Je vous remercie (thank you)," Widow said.

"Varsågod (your welcome)," said Angela."Now for another matter, Soldier 76 thought that we would give you 3 the chance to join Overwatch, the idea was put to a vote. So, if you want, you may join Overwatch."

There faces were a mixed of surprise and thoughtfulness. "I'll join," said Sombra and everyone looked at her. "What? I'm done playing bad guy."

"Same here," said Hanzo, Widowmaker nodded in agreement.

"So you'll join?" asked, and they all nodded yes.

"This is a bad idea," thought Mcree as Sombra caught his eye.

"come one Amigo, this isn't going to be so bad," said Sombra reading his expression.


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