Chapter 27

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Mercy POV

Sombra, Gabe and I walked into the conference room and everyone tensed seeing Gabe. He just simply leaned against the wall and looked to the right.

"I see you found him," Pharah sighed. She was one of the people that didn't want Reaper to come.

"Yes, and he's agreed to help," Sombra said cheerfully.

"With the condition," Gabe's masked voice came out raspy. "That none of you people bother me me again."

Jack nodded and turned to everyone, "Alright here's how this is going to go down. We'll have some of our stealth people people go in and we'll meet up with Genji's contact. Those people being, Sombra, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Reaper, Mercy, Ana, Genji, and myself. Genji, please tell us all you've gotten from your contact."

Genji nodded and stood up, "Since Akako Akasuki has been in control, he's strengthen the defenses even more than they were before. My friend says that he's planning on expanding. She's explained that he has special operatives that can take down an empire in a single night."

"How does she know all this?" Zarya asked.

"She used to be his right hand woman, the one he went to when he wanted things done quietly and quickly. Better than all of his trained operatives."

"Then how do we know we can trust 'er?" Mccree asked.

"She left long ago, you guys don't have to trust her, but I do."

"It's alright, Genji," Jack said. "If you can vouch for her, then I trust her. I'm thinking we have different fights at different locations. If these guys are as good as you say, then we should have some fight."

"May I make an input?" Angela asked. Jack nodded and everyone's focus shifted to Angela. "Sombra, if you would," Sombra pulled up a holomap from her glove. "This is the wall around Hanamura, most of the outer cities are a couple miles away," Angela indicated. "If you were to make an assault, people could get hurt seeing as I don't believe Akako cares what happens to the people. There is a spot in the north that cities aren't near though. You could try making your assault there while the stealth team gets in and we take back Hanamura."

"That would be the best course of action," Winston agreed.

"Noe the real question is, how do we get in?" Ana asked.

"Use the trading carts," Everyone turned to the gruff voice from the back.

"What?" Reinheart asked.

"Only way in and out of the city is through a single gate now. He still needs to trade with others to sustain and grow is empire, so he'll need to trade."

"He's not wrong you know," Genji said. "I'll let my friend know we're coming and she'll tell us where to meet when we get into the city."

"Well then, everyone get ready," Jack advised. "We leave at dusk."

Dusk soon arrived and the group had talked to some of the merchants going into Hanamura. The stealth group hid in a large cattle car that had enough room for them as well as some cows, goats, chickens and ducks.

"Of all the cars you could have picked it had to be the cattle car," Reaper mumbled and a chicken pecked at his boot.

"If we were to be scanned they would mistake us as cattle," Genji explained annoyed.

"Besides," Mercy said petting the cow then bent down and lightly stroked a duck. "Who doesn't love animals?"

Reaper looked down to see that the animals had taken a liking to Mercy. He just grunted and looked away, though no one could see his slight smile under his mask. "Alright guys, moment of truth," Widowmaker said glancing out of the car.

She closed it and we all stood as still as we could when the car stopped moving. After a few moments the car started moving again without complication, "congratulations," Reaper said. Moving the chicken away from his foot. "Your plan worked."

Mercy shook her head with a slight smile on her face. She picked up a duck and cradled it, gently stroking its neck, "don't get to comfortable with it," Widowmaker said.

Mercy shrugged, "I can't help it, I love animals."

Mercy put down the duck and the small group left, keeping to the cover of darkness, "so, how are we supposed to find your contact?" Hanzo asked.

"She said to meet her in the Western part of the city, near the cherry blossoms."

Hanzo nodded and the group ran off in the cover of darkness, near the wall doing their best to not get spotted. They made it to the small cherry blossom forest, and ducked down next to a house. Tall grass and a cherry blossom tree helped keep them out of sight.

"Where is she?" Ana asked in a harsh whisper.

"I don't know, she said she would be here," Genji replied.

As he finished his sentence, the moon light caught a flash of silver fly threw the air. a twang noise could be heard, and Genji turned sharply to see a throwing knife stuck in the wall of the house. The group turned to the direction of where the knife came from to see a dark figure in a cherry blossom tree. Hanzo stood up a little and pulled out an arrow, then drew back the drawstring, aiming at the unknown figure.

"Wait! Wait!" Genji whisper-shouted. Putting a hand on Hanzo's arm. The figure jumped down from the tree and slowly walked towards them. The group tensed and a few, like Hanzo, got out their weapons.

"Thought you'd be happy to see me," the person's feminine voice rang out quietly. The person took off their hood to reveal a woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.

"Taya," Genji said under his breath. The woman, Taya, smiled. Then her and Genji walked towards each other and hugged. The team relaxed seeing their embrace.

"Alright, let's get somewhere safe," she said breaking the hug. Taya led the group to a house hidden a little in the cherry blossoms. The group enters and find places to relax.

Reaper leaned against the wall in the corner, Sombra, Widowmaker, and Hanzo sat at the table with Solder 76, Ana, and Mercy. While Taya and Genji brought everyone water, "So, mind telling us about your, friend?" Solder 76 asked.

"Everyone, this is Taya Kryolan. A trained assassin and knows everything about our enemy," Genji introduced.

"Great to meet you all," Taya waved.

"How did you to meet?" Ana asked.

"Long story short, I tried to kill him. That's technically the first time we met. But he helped me out with getting out of being an assassin for Akako. So, I'd be against you if it weren't for him," Taya explained. looking at Genji for a moment before looking back to the group.

Mercy raised her eyebrow slightly at the gensture, but it went unnoticed, "So, how do we get close to Akako?"

"That is the hard part. He only keeps his closest assassins near him. Seeing as I'm no longer one of them, it'll be hard to get to him. He also pays his assassins very well, and they won't betray him unless he does something that they don't like."

"So your saying this is nearly impossible?" Widowmaker asked.

Taya shrugged, "Any events coming up that he would attend?" Sombra asked.

"There is one. It'a basically a celebration for him saying 'yay! we took over Hanamura!' But again, he'll have his armed assassins around him."

"When is this?" Ana asked.

"Tomorrow night."

The group fell silent for a moment until Mercy spoke up, "I may have an idea."

The group turned to Mercy, slightly surprised. They listened to her plan that would help take down this dictator of Hanamura.

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