Chapter 22

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Reaper sat on the plane with the others that were with him, Reaper, Sombra and Honzo sat on one side, while Genji and Tracer sat opposite of them. Tracer looked around the room as if it was the most interesting thing, avoiding all eye contact with Reaper but would glance at him every now and again Genji just stared at Reaper with crossed arms, Sombra was doing something on her nano-screen, and Hanzo stared at the ground, most likely thinking.

"We've landed about two miles away from the compound, now let's get going," Ana said moving to where the others where.

The door of the ship opened and all Reaper could see was trees, the groups started walking and about 100 feet from the compound Reaper stopped walking everyone stopped and looked at him.

"What?" Asked Genji.

"Listen," Reaper said.

It was silent, not a single noise when there was a small and faint electric snap.

"How did we miss it?" Sombra asked.

"Miss what?" Asked Tracer.

"Get off the ground, now!" Hanzo said and jumped into a tree.

Reaper dematerialized then rematerialized in a tree, Ana quickly climb up one, Tracer jumped into the same one as Ana, Genji climbed one up with ease while Sombra was climbing one Reaper grabbed the back of her coat and pulled her into the tree, "so why did we have to get off the ground?" Tracer asked.

"Shhhhhh," Sombra said putting a finger to her lips.

Suddenly below them, electric dogs ran by, electricity snapping as their mouths opened and closed. Tracer pulled one of her pistols put Sombra shook her head no and Tracer put the pistol away. After a few minutes Reaper got down from the tree and the others followed.

"What were those?" Ana asked.

"Talon's security dogs, they'll attack and alert people near or anything suspicious. Completely forgot about those," Sombra said.

They continued their walk until the saw the doors, the groups hid behind trees and Sombra put out her hand and moved her hand to the left, the security camera above the door was surrounded but magenta nano squares then the red light on it went out meaning it went dead. They ran to the door and Sombra went to the security panel next to the door and put her hand out causing pink strings to come out and attached themselves to the panel and become on of her nano screens. She press a few things then there's to the others.

"Alright, I hacked into the system, the cameras won't see us but everyone else will, so be ready amigos," then she opened the door.

Genji And Hanzo went one way, Sombra and Tracer went another, and Ana and Reaper went the third way. They were walking down the hall being careful not to get spotted When Reaper saw a shadow from around the corner. He and Ana moved back against the wall not being noticed by the guards as they came by.

"I just sent you guys something, you may want to check it out," Sombra's voice said through the coms.

Ana took out this device and turned it on, it was like a small monitor showing video feed from everywhere in the compound, there were cameras that showed the missing people from Overwatch. There was one cell that had unconscious guards and a very angry Jael in it.

"Where are you Angela?" Ana muttered to herself.

Reaper then pointed at one of the camera feeds that showed Angela walking down a hall with a gun in her hand, Ana then touched her com piece in her ear. "Everyone watch out for Mercy, she's somewhere in the halls."

They walked a little further down Reaper remembered it was the cell block. He turned to Ana, "this is the cell block."

Ana nodded then touched her ear piece, "at the cell block, how do I open the doors?"

"Give me a minute to get to you, and I'll unlock them," Sombra said.

Reaper started walking away when Ana grabbed his arm, "where are you going?" She asked.

"You really think these people will be happy that I'm here? Besides, don't think you found Mercy yet."

"I know who you are, Gabriel. I also know that your here because Angela is here whether Sombra is blackmailing you or not."

"Your point?" Reaper growled.

Ana sighed, "just don't do anything stupid," and she let him go.

He started walking down halls and avoiding guards, he peered down a hall when he saw the end of some pale blonde hair turning the corner. Reaper quickly and quietly walked down the hall and peered around the corner seeing Angela in the middle of the hall, she didn't see him because her back was faced at him. He quietly walked toward her, he was a few feet away from her and saw shadows of guards coming around the other corner when she turned around pointing the gun at him. Reaper quickly grabbed the gun and pulled the gun from her hands then out his other hand over her mouth and pushed her towards the wall. He waited for the clunking of boots on the ground to go faint before he took his hand off her mouth.

"Gabe? Your here?" She asked surprisingly.

"Of course, I promised I wouldn't leave you again," he said.

Angela hugged him tightly which Gabe returned. Angela then removed his mask and kissed him, it was short lived, and they went back to the others.Reaper stopped when he heard voices, he turned to Angela and handed back the gun she had earlier.

"Go, join your team, I can't be here, but you need to go," he told her.

"But-but didn't you come here with them?" Angela asked.

"Yes, but the others that were here with you don't know that, and lots of them don't like me. There your team, go to them, I'll still see you I promise."

Angela had tears welling in her eyes and she hugged Gabriel, "stay safe," she whispered in his ear.

"Same to you," he said and watched her round the corner to join her teammates.

Reaper turned into smoke and teleported to his house the was near the Overwatch main base. He went over to a drawer in a dresser and pulled out the small box with the diamond ring in it.

"I'll always love you Angela," he mutter to himself. "Always."

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