Chapter 9

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Mercy POV

1 week later

It had been a week sense Angela had been rescued from Ilios, they had taken her back to Gibralter, and she had been cooped up in her room ever sense, and it was driving her crazy. People bringing her food, everyone checking up on her, no one was letting her leave the room, she couldn't even get up out of bed.

One day Ana had come in to check on my wounds that had started healing, and she could see that something was bothering Angela, Ana looked like she was thinking for a moment then said, "fine, you can go outside, but someone has to go with you and don't go to far got it?" Angela nodded yes.

Genji had come and helped her walk outside and to watch her, Angela still had some trouble walking. They had made it to the doors outside and were sitting on the grass, looking out at the horizon when Genji said, "you know, the tables have turned Angela."

Angela turned to him in curiously, "What do you mean Genji?"

Genji gave a small laugh, "if I recall, you were the one helping me walk and get back on my feet, and know i'm helping you."

Angela gave a smile of amusement, "yeah, I guess you're right," she said, then something felt weird in the pit of her stomach, then it started to hurt where she was shot.

Her hand moved around her stomach and her face showed pain, Genji saw something was wrong and got closer to Angela, trying to see what was wrong. Angela lifted her shirt and there was nothing wrong with the wound, but then, it started glowing. It glowed bight and yellow and when the glowing stopped, the wound was gone, it was healed and there wasn't even a scar. 

They both starred at the spot where the wound was, and Angela felt the same thing happen with her shoulder and her leg. Genji and Angela looked at each other, Angela stood up and everything felt normal, there wasn't any pain, any numbness, everything was normal. "Angela? What happened? We should go talk to Ana," Genji said.

"uh, y-yeah let's go," I said still in shock of what just happened.

They walked to the meeting room and Genji walked faster, Angela was a bit behind, but she saw him walk through the doors and every face look at him, "is Angela alright?" Tracer asked zipping up to Genji, a look of worry on her face.

"Angela's alright, but, something happened," Genji said, turning to Angela who walked in the room, everyone staring at her.

Ana got up and walked over to her, Angela lifted her shirt up a little, where there was supposed to be a wound, but there wasn't. Ana's eyes grew wide, "H-how is this possible?" she asked. Angel a explained everything.

Ana turned and motioned to Winston and Soldier 76 then turned back to Angela and Genji, "come with me please," she said then walked to Angela's lab.

"so this is why Talon's always after me?" Angela asked as they got to the lab.

"Maybe not the reason that you can heal yourself, but maybe the fact that you can bring people back to life as long as their not to far gone," Winston explained. 

"How can you do that?" 76 asked.

"I always though it was because of the staff," Angela admitted. "I never thought it was from me."

"I think it's part of the staff," Ana said. "Maybe parts of the healing rays bonded with you, allowing you to heal yourself."

The room suddenly got quiet, then they heard the alarm.

lost love (Reaper x Mercy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant