Chapter 21

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Angela's POV

Angela woke up in a strange room, she looked around seeing that she was on a white cot. Everything in the room was white, the walls, the floor, the ceiling, the door, everything. She got off the cot and turned to the door hearing it open and an unfamiliar man stepped into the room with a smirk on his face.

"Hello Angela," he said. "My name's Jael, leader of Talon."

Angela's eyes widened at those words but she wasn't going to show him any fear, "why and I here?" Sh asked confidently.

"Because you're one of the best doctors in the world, and Talon needs a medic. So you're going to help us wether you like it or not."

Angela let out a small chuckle giving putting a very confused look on Jael's face, "I'm not, nor will I ever, work for you. So if you think you can make me, try."

Jael smirked at her words, "thought you'd never ask."

He turned around and opened the door, there 2 of his men standing there. Jael nodded to then and they entered the room, the door closing behind them.

"So, who's first?" Angela asked.

One guy tried to punch her but she grabbed his fist and kneed him in the stomach, then grabbed the back of his head and slammed it down on the cot behind her, knocking him unconscious.

The other guy came charging at her but she just moved out of the way making him hit the wall. The guy was on the ground holding his nose and Angela punched him unconscious, "thank you Jack for helping me learn to fight," she muttered to herself.

She walked over to the door and put her back to the wall next to it, she waited for a couple minutes then the door opened. She stuck her foot out tripping the guy who she saw was Jael, then running out of the room and closing the door.

"Escape check," she said to herself then picked up a gun from the floor. "Find a weapon, check. Find a way out, working on it."

Sombra POV

Sombra was walking with Gabe into the head quarters, they walked to meeting room, Gabe leaning on the door frame, "Amigos! I got some help," she said catching everyone's attention.

They looked behind Sombra and everyone except Hanson tensed up grabbing their weapons ready for and attack, Reaper just stood there calmly, leaning on the door frame.

"Te relajaras? (Relax will you?) he's here to help," Sombra said standing in front of them putting up her hands.

"How do we know that for certain?" Ana asked.

"Well I may have found a little something on him, so he'll help and I won't release this information," Sombra giggled. "And he won't hurt any of you I made sure he promised."

Reaper just grunted in agreement, making everyone lower their weapons but they were still tense, "So, how do we get there? We don't even know where Talon is,"Pharah said.

"Probably be in Paris," Reaper muttered from his spot at the door frame drawing everyone's attention towards him.

"What?" Asked Ana.

"Talon head quarters are in Paris, if you didn't know."

"Well then a good strategy would be to send a smaller stealth team to infiltrate the base," said Tracer.

"You're very right, Sombra and Hanzo, you know the base so you'll be going. As well as Genji, Tracer and myself, and take Reaper as well. We'll sneak in, rescue our teammates, then get outta there. We'll take some explosives and try and take down the base, alright?" Ana explained with everyone nodding in agreement.

The group going walked out while Reaper followed behind, hoping Angela is alright.

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