Chapter 30

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Akako scanned the room, his eyes stopping on Angela. He chuckled a little, "I knew there was something about you. I had a feeling there was something. I can guarantee your death will be slow and painful. But there might be other uses for you than just your death."

Reaper tensed and his fists clenched. This went unknown to everyone seeing as he was standing in the back of the room behind everyone. The man sitting in front of them had just threatened Angela. And while she didn't seemed all to fazed, Reaper was doing his best not to kill him right there.

"What are you doing here in Hanamura?" Ana asked. "There's more to it than just concoring."

"It should be pretty obvious," Akasuki said turning to Ana. "The Shimada Clan has made this place there home for decades. They're the competition. Take Hanamura, splinter the Shimada Clan. While they barely survive my Clan grows up the ranks, it also helps that I have a major city under my control. It's just one step to domination."

"Domination of what?" S. 76 asked.

"The world."

"You seem pretty happy with just giving up all that information," Sombra observed. "Telling the complete and total truth. Why is that?"

"Simple," he said. The power suddenly went out. "I was stalling."

Everyone scrambled around trying to figure out what to do. Hanzo knocked out Akako and threw him over his shoulder, "Where do we go?"

"We should try and get to a sewer grate," Genji suggested. "Not the most pleasant of places to be, but it's big and the tunnels string throughout the city."

S. 76 nodded in approval, "Good plan, but we need to figure out how they found us or that plan won't do us any good."

"I'm going to need a few minutes to find a frequency or something that would be used to track him," Sombra informed immediately getting to work.

Suddenly The door was kicked down and bullets were shot at us. Genji pulled out a sword and quickly deflected all of them. Widowmaker and Taya flipped a table and pushed it in front of the group. They all ducked down behind the table, which was thankfully big enough the hide all of them.

"You may want to stay down," Reaper said to no one in particular as he held up a shotgun. He teleported behind the men and shot out a blast of smoke. He spun quickly, shooting the men in the room, then proceeded to kill the other men in the hall, "That might buy a bit more time, but not much." Reaper informed when he finished.

The others looked up from behind the table to see the men dead on the ground. Sombra finished her hack and they got out of the building as fast as they could. They ran down an alley and to a large sewer grate. After opening it, They made their way down into the sewer, the sewer water went up to their ankles.

"Ugh, you were right Genji," Sombra gagged putting a hand over her mouth and nose. "The smell down here is horrid."

"Why do you think Hanzo and I didn't want to use this way to get into the city?" Genji said coming down into the sewer.

Soon, the group was walking through the sewer, S. 76 had Akako over his shoulder. Hanzo and Widowmaker covered the back, while Reaper and Sombra covered the front. Sombra opened her hand and a nano screen came up, showing the blueprints of the sewer system, "Take the next right," she said.

They turned right and came up onto a sewer grate. Genji gave Taya a boost and she opened the sewer grate looking at the surroundings, "See anyone?" Ana asked.

"No, we're all clear," she said opening the sewer grate all the way. Sombra tossed up her translocator and teleported to the surface, Reaper teleported himself up out of the sewer as well. Genji helped up Taya, Ana, Widowmaker, and Hanzo. Mercy flew up and out of the sewer, and helped Hanzo get Akako out of the sewer so S.76 can get out. Once everyone was out they made their way to the wall that surrounded Hanamura.

"So what now?" Reaper asked. "Did you even have a plan to get out?"

"Yeah," S.76 snapped. He brought up a communication device, "In position. Ready when you are."

Not even a moment after he said that, an explosion went off and a hole opened up in the wall a few feet away from them. The group jumped through the hole and out of the city meeting D.Va, Rienhardt, and gunfire from Hanamura. Rienhardt through up a shield and they ran to the jet that was waiting for them. Once in there, Mercy tended to any wounds that were reiceved.

"Now, we'll need to finish off the rest of Akako's men, then Hanamura can heal," Ana said. The Overwatch team took this as a victory.

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