Chapter 2

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Reaper POV

Reaper was in the alleyway when he saw a small blink of blue light race past him, he knew it was Tracer. Then, he heard a gun shot and a cry out, Reaper knew Talon had probably shot someone, he went the direction that Tracer had come from and saw some Talon agents closing in on a house. "oh no you don't," he thought as he started shooting the Talon agents.

Reaper remembers his time as a Talon agent, killing agents of Overwatch but Talon kept holding him back, so Reaper left. killing the agents of Overwatch without Talon over his shoulder, and if Talon got in his way, he would show no mercy about killing them, Reaper kills Overwatch agents as revenge for the state they put him in.

When the Talon agents where all dead at his feet, he heard a small wimpier of pain come from inside the small wrecked house, he stepped into the door way and froze. He was staring at the one agent that he didn't hate, Angela Ziegler, Mercy. He saw her laying on the ground and try to lift her pistol, but for some reason was unable to, then he saw Angela bleeding from her leg, shoulder, and side then remembered the gun shots and cries he heard earlier.

"who are yo-" Angela asked dizzily then fell into unconsciousness.

Reaper just stared at her, he listened for any noise outside, yelling or gun shots or something, but nothing could be heard. He put away his guns, walked over to Angela and crouched down next to her. Reaper moved some hair away from her face, she was still breathing but it was very faint, and she was still bleeding,

"did they leave her to die?" he thought. He shook the thoughts away, cause why should he care? He wanted to kill all Overwatch agents, but he couldn't leave her to die, and realized, he still loved her

Reaper tore some of his cloak and wrapped it around her leg, he tore some more and wrapped it around his stomach and some more around her shoulder to stop the bleeding. He looked at her still unconscious, "I've found you again, my battle angel," he said. He picked her up, and moved his mask a little to give her a small kiss on her head then moved his mask back in place. He then carried her away from the small destroyed part of the town Ilios.

lost love (Reaper x Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now