chapter 4

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Mercy POV

Mercy let out a small groan of pain and opened her eyes to see that she was on a bed, the arm that hadn't been shot at was handcuffed to a railing, Mercy tired to get up but a shock of pain shot her making lay back down. "I wouldn't do that, you'll pull your stitches," said a dark, cold voice coming from the corner of the room sending a chill down her spine.

Mercy turned her head to see Reaper standing in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall, staring at her. she realized that she was not in her Valkyire armor, rather that it was also in the corner of the room and she was in the tank top and shorts she wore under the armor and her hair loose and not up in a ponytail. her top was pulled up reveling a stitched mark on the side of her stomach, she also had some on her shoulder and leg.

"w-where am i?" she asked

"still in Ilios, my... hideout," he said, his voice still dark, "you've been unconscious for a few hours." Mercy looked around a little and tried to get up again only to be met again by the shock of pain again.

"hey, what did I say? I thought you where the doctor here, Angela," Reaper said, walking over to Mercy.

"how the hell do you know my name?" Mercy asked.

"you wouldn't believe me if I told you," he said and started to leave the room.

"wait," Mercy said and Reaper turned around, "why? why save me and bring me here?"

He looked down, "I don't know," he muttered softly and left the room.

Mercy made sure he was really gone and not just a shadow, and using her bad arm reached for her ear piece still in her ear. Her shoulder started to hurt but she had to ignore the pain, she touched her eat piece and asked "h-hello? Is anyone there?"

"Mercy?" she was greeted by a British accent from Tracer "Angela is that you love?"

Mercy sighed in relief, "yes, yes it's me, I need help."

"I landed in Ilios an hour ago, I wasn't going to leave you and neither was the rest of the team. We went back to Gibraltar and got Ana, Lucio, Mei, and Junkrat as well as everyone that was on the original mission, where are you?"

Mercy looked around making sure Reaper really was gone, "I don't know, Reaper was there at Ilios mission and killed some Talon agents that shot and tried to kill me. I fell unconscious and Reaper took me to his apartment, at least, that's what I think it is."

"Reaper?!" Tracer cried. "And he didn't kill you? Don't worry love, we'll find you."

"Wait, you can track my ear piece, Soldier 76 might know how to."

"right, I'll tell 76, see you soon love, we're comin'."

lost love (Reaper x Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now