Chapter 1

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Sunlight peaks through the curtains, twiddling some rays of light into my room before consciousness started to overwhelm me.

The alarm buzzes on my alarm clock reading that it was 6:30 am, and I only had about two hours to get ready for work. I groan in frustration as I struggle to slap the snooze button before the blaring sound drove me insane. 

"I really don't feel like working. Why must Mondays exist?" 

But my tired, weary eyes, blurred by my double astigmatism, only made it harder to see. Good thing my glasses were right there, so I could shut off that damn alarm once and for all. 

Well at least for now.

I sit-up in bed, only to feel like I woke up from the dead, and I stretched my arms out to regain some strength to get out of bed. A good shower did me some good and a nice breakfast with a cup of coffee really did the trick. 

In all honesty, my job sucks.
Working as a waitress only to put up with annoying customers, made me realize I wasn't one for customer service. Not like I have a choice in the matter. It pays my rent and keeps me from starving. If anything, I was pretty grateful.

"Damn, I only have forty-five minutes to get to work!"

I grab my coat and rush out the door. Rushing out of my apartment complex, I got in my car and took the short cut way away from traffic.

'Welcome to Dremurr City, where all your dreams come true!' The city limit sign read as I drove by.

What a load of bull.

If my dreams came true, I would work at a nice job and date a nice guy.  But that has bound to happen yet.

Still stuck with the same job I had for two years and never had a boyfriend with the twenty-one years of my life. 

After parking the car, I dash to the back to put my stuff up.

"Ten minutes late Frisk. I can't keep giving you special treatment," My boss barks at me as I clock myself in.

"I'll be on time next time, I promise!"

My boss rolls his eyes is disbelief. "If you're late one more time, I'm going to have to write you up."

I sigh.


I grab my apron and pen pad, prepared to take orders. I jogged out to the floor with the much chatter of a busy breakfast joint. "Order ready for table 7!" The cook rings the bell with order ready.

"I'm on it!"

I swiftly take the cup of coffee to table number seven, which was in the very corner of the restaurant. I felt the eyes of monsters and humans alike burn holes into the back of my head as I made my way to a familiar face.

When I mean familiar, I mean that he was here every day, in the same spot, drinking the same cup of coffee. Heaven knows why he's always here so much, but I have no room to judge. But this customer was no human, he was a monster, in fact.

A skeleton monster.

He stood out from the rest of the monsters in the room, because he was intimidating and had the looks to kill.

His skull was cracked above his right eye and below his left. His right eye socket looked empty like a black hole, but a glowing white eye was existent in his left. He wore a white turtle neck with back jeans and a silver chain looped around his pocket. His jacket's hood was brimmed fluffy white, while the jacket itself was black leather and reached to the bottom of his torso.

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