Chapter 20

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"Got a call from Undyne, Alphys is suppose to stop by soon. She said that she had important information for us," Sans yawned and stretched out his arms.

"Okay," I said flatly, while I was scooched over to the furthermost part of the couch as possible; frowning while eating a bowl of Cheerios and watching Tom and Jerry. 

"Sulking much?" Sans smirked, because he exactly knows why I'm acting this way. 

"I'm not sulking. I'm just taking out my inner frustrations on each Cheerio I chew on." 

It was more than just sulking. He teased me to his favor till he had his fill on my reaction. I was mad at him, but I was mad at myself too because I subconsciously egged him on. In a way, I was hoping for more than a make-out session.

"Pfft, you asked for it dollface," he said as he took a stride to the kitchen for some coffee. 

"Did it ever dawn on you that I teased you by accident?" 

"Mhm, say whatever you want. You started it and I finished it," Sans hummed to himself while he listened to the coffee machine brew his morning delight of french vanilla coffee. And as to be expected of him, Sans plops down on the spot next to me, drinking his coffee black, with not one ounce of sugar or cream.

"Well aren't you happy that Mettaton didn't throw out your coffee machine?"

Sans took another sip before setting his mug down on the coaster. "He knew I would've ripped his arms off if he tried."

"Who needs arms with legs like these?" I said, in attempt to imitate Mettaton as good as I could possibly do.

"Pffft," Sans laughed, almost choked on his coffee. "Haha, were you trying to mock Mettaton?!"

"I tried."

"You suck at it."

"Like you could do better."

"I can, but don't want to."

I scoffed at his sarcasm. He was just too lazy to prove me wrong. 

I peered at Sans without him looking, and scanned him up and down before switching my attention back to my bowl. My spoon chased after the last few of Cheerios that were swimming away in milk. Instead of trying to scoop it up, my thoughts were lost as I gazed at the last two pieces of cereal.

I felt too lucky...

Sans has changed so much over the years. Well, he did grow about 3 and a 1/2 feet, and his attitude changed, from always having an encouraging smile and making bad jokes.... to a guy whose temper is off the charts: kills his enemies with no hesitation, and smokes at least a pack a day.

His looks and personality have changed so much. Monsters and humans alike, use to able be approach him without being scared. But now... even if he's the same guy, I never would've recognized him at first, even if I still had all my memories. 

Don't get me wrong; though he's really attractive for a monster.... his murderous aura around other humans, only makes it that much harder for anyone to approach him anymore.

It's not like he changed for the better. It was just the many series of unfortunate events that made him this way. I guess I felt lucky that I was the only one, out of seven billion humans on Earth, that he could tolerate, and even deeply care for. Especially for even having romantic feelings for too.

I was just that one human girl, who Sans' had spent many many years with, and was lucky enough to capture and tame the heart of a hot headed monster.

"What are you thinking about?"

Sans had spoken up, without even giving me a glance. 

"Why you ask?"

"You were suspiciously quiet for the past five minutes."

That did not surprise me. His sense and observation have never slacked off.

Sans use to help me with homework when I was still in school, and he was the first person to notice when something was wrong. Sans was always observant and is still one of the smartest people I know, besides Alphys. 

"In truth, I was thinking..."


"Never mind, it's too embarrassing." 

Sans brow rose at me in suspicion. He glanced at me with a very hard stare, as if I just pissed him off.

Pretending that I didn't notice him staring at me, I got up swiftly to put my bowl in the sink.

"Nah-ah, we are not playing this guessing game, Frisk." He got up and followed after me.

"I'm telling you, it's not that important!" I turned around to look at him, only to meet his hard gaze and him pinning me against the counter. His hands were pressed on the edge of the counter at both of my sides, preventing me from escaping him.

"You're lying, dollface. Your expressions never lie when you're worried about something."

I tried looking away, but Sans' face got so close to mine. He was purposely making it hard to ignore him. 

"I've got ways to make you talk, girly. And you ain't gonna like it."

"Try me," I snapped at him. 

Without hesitation, Sans' pulled off from me and his right eye began to glow. He held his left hand out and his golden aura started to wrap around me like a string. 

Oh sh*t...

San's swiftly lifted me in the air and turned me upside down. 

"Wanna talk now?"

I heaved for air, after he scared the living hell out of me. 

"No! Now put me down!"

He slowly raised me to the ceiling and dropped me, only to catch me again before my face smashed into the marbled floor. I screeched bloody murder, thanking the heavens that he didn't let me land on my face.

"Dammit Sans! Let me down! You're gonna make me hurl!"

"Not until you tell me what's wrong."

He raised me in the air again and repeated the same process about five times, before I started feeling sick to my stomach.

"FINE, I'LL TELL YOU! JUST LET ME DOWN!" I yelled when I felt the tip of my nose lightly touch the floor.

"That's my girl." 

He landed me back down on my feet, and I grabbed hold of the counter; cursing him many names under my breath. I gasped a few times, trying not to throw up my breakfast. 

"Start talking babe, or I'll lift you again," he said as his eye started glowing once again.

"Okay okay, just let me catch my breath!"

I coughed a little and then I regained my posture. I was just about to begin, but then the ring of the door bell had cut me off.


Both Sans and I looked at the door strangely, because we did not expect Alphys to get here so quickly. 

"I'll go get it, but don't think that you're getting out of this just because she showed up. You're telling me everything once Alphys is done with what she has to say."

I didn't reply and pursed my lips tight. I just had the courage to tell him some embarrassing thoughts, but now it was ripped out of me.

I fear his reaction, but he knew that I wouldn't resist again.

Author's Note: Thank you guys for being patient with me! Life has me busy, so my apologies that I'm not getting these chapters updated any faster. Writer's block sucks, but I'm doing my best to get these chapters done. Thank you again, for reading this far!

Till the next update! Ciao!

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