Chapter 12

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"You're in love with a skeleton?!"

"You have to be confused Frisk.."

"It's impossible for you be with him, you're a human and he's a monster!"

"So what?! He's no different than we are!"

"That's where you are wrong, Frisk. We're going to hunt him down and make you realize you were just confused!"


"Frisk!" Sans' voice ripped me out of my nightmare. He was sitting in front of me with both hands on my shoulders, as if he shook me to wake me up. My face felt all sweaty and my throat felt dry as sand.

"Sans.." My voice cracked.

"Jesus, kid! I thought someone broke in from the way you were shouting."

The dream flashbacked to me, with the looks on different faces, constantly mocking me and insulting me. Sans' warm eyes fell upon my own and I couldn't help but look away. I don't want him to read my thoughts. The last thing I want is for him to find out what's been plaguing my nightmares.

"What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

It's already been awhile since I realized how I felt, and each night, my nightmares would morph into human faces, laughing and judging me. All because of my feelings for Sans. This was the first night that I actually started to scream in my sleep.

"I'm going to get some water," I said as I brushed his hands off of me and got up to the kitchen.


"I'm fine Sans, just a nightmare is all."

Sans walked up next to me, and reached for a cup. Once he handed it to me, I refused to look at him in the eye again. I was making it very obvious that I was avoiding his gaze. One thing I knew about Sans, he's the type that doesn't like to be ignored.

"Can you at least look at me when you're talking?"

I didn't hesitate to shake my head no, which probably pissed him off.

"Okay sweetheart, don't make me angry now."

I shook my head again, and it was easy to tell that Sans was getting upset from the tone he was using with me.

Though I was prepared for him to start yelling, he yanked my arm as soon as I was finished with my glass of water. "Come here," he ordered.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I pulled my arm back in retaliation.

"My room, now."

My face burned up very noticeably, and Sans noticed it too, from how he blushed in return.

"Nonono, not like that! Just, ughhh, come here!" He pulled me again and lifted me over his shoulder.

"Put me down! What are you doing?"

"Just shut up and see!"

He opened the door to his room and then practically threw me onto a soft surface.

A bed? What?!

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