Chapter 23

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Gasping as if I was needing air, my body shot straight up in my bed, that looked foreign to me. While a soft white blanket fell down my chest and into my lap, and the cool air from the ceiling fan passed over my skin. I looked at the large window and saw the moon glazing light through the silky curtains, that scaled the size of the window itself. I must've passed out and slept all day. Then the reoccurring nightmare managed to come back once more and to play through my thoughts. 

Oh my God... I remember...

My stomach churned and bile found its way up my esophagus. I quickly scampered to the bathroom, and I almost couldn't hold it in, before making my way to the toilet. My stomach poured out all the stomach acid it had, and it burned my throat so bad that it kept forcing me gag up more. Then it just became dry heaving. 

The painful dry heaving eventually turned into whimpering. 

I remember how Papyrus died...

My legs felt too weak to stand, so I just sat there on the floor, letting the tears sting the skin on my cheeks. I looked down at my chest and my red soul was glowing in and out wearily. I almost didn't notice Sans standing behind me, till he got on his knees and brushed my hair away from my face.

"Babe? Are you okay?" His smooth deep voice was enough to sooth some of my uneasiness. 

My throat hurt too much to speak. So I nodded in response, with my head still hanging low.

"Hold on, I'll be right back," Sans said as he got up. I quietly listened to the patter of his footsteps echo into the living room. After that, it was very imminent on what Sans was up to; the sound of cabinet doors closing shut, and the clatter of a dish being set on the counter. A few minutes later, Sans made his way back to my side and I turned my head to look up back at him. With him, he carried a wet rag and a mug of what smelled like tea. 

Setting the mug on the counter, he somehow found one of my scrunchies and decided to pull my hair up into a bun. 

"Are you able to get up?"

I shook my head in response. Before he said anything else, he helped me off the floor and hoisted me up in his arms, in a princess carry. It startled me a bit, because I didn't really expect him to do that. 

He set me back down on the bed and went back for the rag and mug. I watched him, while sitting crisscrossed in the clothes I was still wearing from this morning. Sans ushered the mug into my hands and placed the warm rag around the back of my neck. The aroma of the hot tea flickered my senses, and the warmth from the wet rag helped ease some of the tension.

This was quite comforting, even coming from him. 

"Drink up, you'll need something in your stomach."

I nodded again and brought the rim of the mug to my lips. I blew on it a bit before taking a sip of the tea. Almost immediately, the burning in my throat was alleviated by the sweet taste of honey. I drank some more of the honey tea and set it back down in my lap. 

"Better?" Sans had asked.

"Yes, thank you." I spoke as I cleared my throat at the same time.

"This reminds me of the times you use to take care of me, whether I was sick or upset."

Sans sat in-front of me, with a soft sad smile on his face.

"Yeah, you use to come to me whenever you felt troubled. I guess some things never changed."

It's been awhile since I've seen Sans like this: so calm, collected, and sentimental. It felt like a lifetime since he's treated me with such care. 

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