Chapter 18

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Sans and I had gotten together, more like a trial relationship, but at least I gave him some sort of response. I told him I would give him a chance; I can't completely deny what I felt between us. He still thinks that I don't have feelings for him, but I will wait till time is better for me to express that. Right now, it's better to enjoy what we can have now, rather than later. With the way the world is now, we might have to hide our relationship in the end. Either way, it really wouldn't matter at all.

I was finally being discharged from the hospital.

GOD, it took forever for them to even give me a piece of paper to sign. The discharge tech even gave me a folder on how to treat a stitched wound.

Like seriously. I'm not that stupid to the point where I have be given instructions to wash, disinfect, and rebandage.

They told me I would be discharged around noon, but last time I read the clock, it was already 3:30 pm when they rolled out a wheelchair.

Honestly I was getting hyped up on leaving, and with the hospital taking a long time with discharging me, I was impatient.

But whatever, I'm out now. And I have the love of my life pushing my wheelchair to the entrance. Mettaton had promised to pick us up in his limo when I got out. Sans had warned me that Mettaton's limo was a bit eye catching, and boy he wasn't kidding.

The limo sparkled with pink glitter, like it jumped right out of Barbie universe.

The limo door opened and Mettaton, in all of his shiny glory, stepped out of the vehicle with a dramatic pose. His diamond encrusted sunglasses glimmered, with a faux fur coat flowing fashionably, made Mettaton catch eyes from every direction. He was always the type that liked to be in the center of attention.

I'm glad to see that he hasn't changed.

"Frisk, darling. It's been so long since I've seen you, my dear."

"Mettaton! It's good to see you're doing well for yourself."

"Of course! I've been so busy with shows that I almost couldn't take the time off to help you. I practically threatened my manager if he didn't let me help you during an emergency."

With some memories floating back, I wondered how Mettaton even threatened his manager. Kinda scary if you ask me.

"Let's go sweetie, time to take you to your new home!"

"New home? What about my place?!" Sans growled in disagreement.

"Oh Sans, almost didn't recognize you dearie. It has been awhile."

Sans sighed and glared at the talking robot. I could feel his irritation radiate off from him like rays of sunlight. The look on Sans' face made it well known that he did not get along with Mettaton very well.

"ONE , we saw each other several days ago. TWO, we even talked on the phone last night when you offered to give us a ride home. And THREE, what the hell do you mean by new home, you damn robot?!"

Was not surprised to see Sans blow up so easily even when he seemed so calm at the moment.

"Darling, relax, I'm not going to let you both sleep in that shabby box you call an apartment. I made some arrangements and had found you a new home!"

My face felt stiff once Mettaton posed with his spirit fingers, expecting a positive reaction from me. The air grew stiff as I could sense Sans' rage build up inside him. I peered my head up to look at him, and it was noticeable that he was desperately holding back and preventing himself from unleashing hell.

"How the hell did you get legal permission to even cancel my lease? What about our stuff, my security deposit, and the fee I am supposed to pay for moving out before my lease was up?!" Sans said, forcing himself to smile, but tiny flames were seeping out from his eye.

"I pulled some strings. The landowner owed me a favor. I even had your things moved out earlier today. You be living in my new condominium!"



A/N: Sorry for the short and long awaited chapter. I moved across the country a little over a month ago. I had to adjust to a new climate, surroundings, transfer job locations, and look for a new job (because my current job sucks). 

In addition, I had a bit of a writers block while I was trying to adjust to a new lifestyle. I'll still be posting chapters much much faster than a two month wait. I'll be making it a habit to contribute to my writing every day. Please forgive me if it is not as fast as you expect it, but I am NOT discontinuing the story. 

Thank you, my loyal readers, for understanding and thank you for being patient. I hope you still continue to enjoy Shape of You. 

~ EmeraldHeart510

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