Chapter 6

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"If you're staying with Sans for awhile, he'll bring you here for your shift everyday." 

My mind had a flashback to earlier before I left Grillby's bar. At this moment in real time, I was just staring at my food that I bought and cooked. Though it was noticeable, but I did not pay attention to the awkward stare Sans was giving me from across the table.

When Sans picked me back up earlier from the Underground, he acted as if nothing happened, as if he never got mad at me to begin with. He smelt of ash and cigarettes, and dust was littered on his clothes. Whatever he was up to, it was very suspicious. I didn't feel at ease once Sans' attitude went from being crazy angry, back to being a sarcastic wisecrack.

So many questions interrupted my concentration, because there was too much that as going on for my mind to keep up with.

Who were those men earlier?

Why did Sans get so upset?

How did Grillby know Sans so well?

Why did Sans hate humans so much?

Out of all places, why am I still staying at Sans place? For goodness sake, he may be a monster, but he's still a guy!

I was slowly being more consciously aware that. Well in fact, Sans was still a man after all, even if he was a different race. It just took me a bit to let it all hit me at once. Once I realized that, I became more self-conscious to even sit in the same room with him, alone.

"Dollface, the food you put do much trouble into, is going to get cold if you just stare at it."

Sans finally broke the unsettling silence, as if he hated the feeling of it too. 

"Y-yea," I sheepishly answered while picking up my fork.

That didn't stop from Sans staring at me, which caused my pulse to rise from how uncomfortable it was.

"You know staring is rude," I said, solemnly.

"I'm not supposed to care, but you are weird. I don't get you."

'I could say the same thing, you damn skeleton. You're a puzzle that is impossible to solve.'

No matter how much I wanted to say that, I know he's only going to retort in a witted manner.

"If you don't care, then why care?" I picked at my homemade mashed potatoes, poking at it rather than scooping it up.

"You're not a coward," he said.

"Excuse me?"

"You're not running away from me after the little scene I made this morning."

So he was still conscious about it. He acted like he never noticed, but he's making it apparent that he has.

"So? Does that mean every puny human, you come across, runs away after witnessing your trippy magic show?"

"Pfft," he laughed, but not like how he usually does. I raised my eyes to look at him.

I could be seeing things, but for just a moment, his face has genuinely softened. He was laughing genuinely. 

He was smiling.

"You know you have a nice smile," I said subconsciously.

What in the world did I just say?! 

I mentally kicked myself very hard in the face. How could I say that so casually? Seriously, he could feel offended or go out on another rage fest. I closed my eyes and waited for Sans to yell at me.

But he didn't.

After slowly opening my eyes, my eyes widened to something I've never seen before. Sans was staring at me, still, but his eyes were size of plates. A yellow hue was spreading across his cheeks and onto the bridge of his nose.

Sans quickly looked away and coughed into his balled up fist. He got up from his chair and made posthaste to his bedroom door.

The heart in his chest began to glow once more, with a new emotion of embarrassment welling up inside me. This new feeling wasn't mine, it was his embarrassment I could comprehend. 


It had been hours since Sans ever came out of his bedroom door. He was probably too embarrassed to show his face after my slipped compliment.

So I just crashed on the couch and plugged in my phone to the charger. It was taking a few seconds for the screen to light up that it was charging. I rooted for charger cable as soon as my phone was at 1%. It wasn't completely crappy after all. I should've just bought a new one. But, nothing is for free, and the phone was too expensive to add to that.

My gaze fixed to the dry wall ceiling and counted the little indications, back to concentrating and becoming bored at the same time.

It was like rocking myself to sleep, yet my mind wouldn't allow my body to rest. Nevertheless, I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing, just waiting to fall asleep.

However, my concentration was once again demolished by the sound of a door creaking open with foot steps approaching to my side.

"Hey dollface, are you asleep?"

Nah, I'm flying to the moon. What do you think I'm trying to do?

Never did I answer him. I choose to ignore his stupid question and maintained my act of deep lethargy. What I had awaited was for Sans to walk away. So I listened for his footsteps to walk away from me, yet it was too quiet. Too quiet and very suspicious. Alone, my slow breathing was what I could make out besides the air flowing from the ceiling fan.

A tepid sensation softened against my cheek, and it grazed to the back of my ear, brushing a lock of hair out of my face.

What is he doing?

My mentality began to wary. It was too difficult for me not to react to his unusual state of action. This was not like Sans at all, to touch me so casually when I'm not heeding to him. This was uncomfortable, yet, I queried why I didn't mind.

Momentarily, the warmth of Sans's finger left my skin. Then it returned, but not on my face, it was a light touch to my parted lips.

That's when every fiber inside of me began to have an absolute meltdown. Volcanoes had ruptured, and I'm pretty sure my heart jumped from the surprise.

When Sans did walk away, I made sure to listen to his footsteps, and then the door creaked closed. I didn't waste any time sitting up and covering my mouth. My face burned hard and uncontrollably. My thoughts did flips in the air, and confusion overwhelmed me all at once. I didn't know whether I was upset or happy with the fact I was kissed in my sleep. I felt attacked and hassled, but I felt as if I learned something new. 

The feeling I was reading from him as soon as he approached me moments ago, was nothing but a growing passion. My red heart was glowing from my chest, pulsating after every breath I took in. 

I thought he didn't like me. I thought he absolutely hated my guts. I barely know the guy; but the emotions I could feel, beating from his soul to mine, was as if he had already known me for a long time. As if he was waiting for me to notice him this entire time.

Why can I feel his emotions?

Why am I feeling like this?

What in the world is going on?!

Too many damn questions!

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