Chapter 11

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"Frisk, have you told him yet?"

"Told who what?"

"Sans of course! And you know exactly what I'm talking about."

"I don't know Undyne."

"Don't be a wimp and go for it!"

I started to suspect that these dreams were more than what they seem. From how many I'm getting, and how tied together they were, it seemed more than just a coincidence. The last dream I had though... It was warm and fuzzy.

Fish lady was there, her name was Undyne; and though I've already forgotten what the conversation was about, I could not forget the butterflies bumping about in my stomach.

"Mornin' sunshine," Sans said as I watched him pour me a cup of coffee in the kitchen.

"Hey," I replied normally, rubbing my eyes from the death rays of sunlight.

Ugghhh its way to early to wake up. What time was it anyway? 7:35 am?

"Here, I tried using some cream and sugar. I don't know what your taste is since I like mine bitter."

Sans handed me the warm cup, and I swear, when his finger tips unintentionally met mine, my heart was fluttering. I could not control myself. I've already came to terms with Sans as a friend. Why must I be too aware of him?

I sipped the cup and felt the balanced rich flavor savor over my taste buds. It's exactly how I liked my coffee. Strange enough, no one else could perfect my picky blend, other than myself.

"How was it?"

I looked at him in the eye and smiled timidly.

"It's perfect, thank you."

"Don't mention it," Sans replied, and tried to hide a small smile when he took a sip of black coffee.

"Did you buy coffee and sugar just for me?"

"What makes you think that?"

Sans was playing dumb, because of course he knew that I knew the answer already.

"You drink your coffee black."


"That would mean you didn't have coffee creamer or sugar before you let me stay here. So you bought it for me to feel at home."

Sans laughed a little before finishing the rest of his coffee. I could tell he was getting use to all these questions I ask him.

"You're very intuitive, sweetheart." As if it was out of Sans' own subconscious, he pat my head like an owner would do to their pet.

Sans didn't seem to realize that he was treating me a lot different from how he use to. In the beginning, he was harsh and witted with words (he still kind of is). Now I feel closer to him, and I hope he feels the same.

"Stop petting me as if I was a dog."

"You're not very far from one," he chuckled sarcastically.

I swatted at him playfully, once it clicked in my mind what he was referencing to. I couldn't help but smile and laugh along with him.

From what I've begun to notice, he always done something for me, yet I haven't really done a single thing for him in return. He keeps his place pretty tidy, for a lazy guy like him. So I couldn't really clean much as a favor.

What could I do?

Maybe dinner? I don't know what he likes though.

"I'm about to go out, kid. Since you don't have work, don't go anywhere without me, alright?

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