Chapter 7

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I sat there staring at the wall behind the bar, dazed in deep thought. My crazy suspicions have only been rising since last night. I told myself it was only just a dream, but it felt too real to be a dream. I slowly sipped at the Pink Lady cocktail, Grillby shook up for me. It was my day off and I don't get a lot of hours my first week, since I'm new at the job. 

"Frisk, you alright?" Grillby snapped his fingers in front of my nose, attempting to break me out of my self made void.

"Yeah! Yeah... I'm.. just fine," I lied to him again, while stirring the cocktail with a toothpick.

"Frisk, I wasn't born yesterday. You aren't good at hiding your emotions."

Grillby was more of an uncle or a dad, than a friend to me. While Charlotte was busy with University, which was majority of the time, I would be talking to Grillby instead.

I know what you're thinking: did I completely forget Charlotte? Of course not! The moment my phone was charged up, she would not stop calling. Due to her insanity, it almost made my phone battery die again.

Of course I apologized and told her I was okay, but that didn't make her any less mad at me. 

"Frisk! Stop ignoring me," Grillby said, hitting my head with the rag he used to polish glasses.

"Sorry! Sorry! Just a lot on my mind," I said in defeat and raised my hands up so he wouldn't whack me again.

"For God's sake, woman! Just tell me what's bothering you."

He has a way with interrogation doesn't he?

"Well... something happened last night. With Sans.." That's when Grillby dropped a glass, and it shattered all over the floor. "What?!"  It took me a second to realize that my words were put into the wrong context. "Nononono! Not like that!"

"Then what?!" 

"He kissed me okay?! He kissed me while I was 'sleeping'!"

Grillby slapped his hands on the table and inhaled deeply, as if he was trying to control his anger, before he blew up his own restaurant with his own magic power.

"Please... don't tell him I told you okay? I'm still shocked as well."

"That ass just couldn't wait, could he?" I heard Grillby mumble under his breath. 


"Nothing! Nothing..."

"I specifically heard you say, he couldn't wait."

Grillby looked like he was mentally kicking himself for opening his mouth, and the puzzled look on his face said that he was looking for an excuse for this. It looked like he knew more than he was letting on. From that, I knew he was hiding something from me.

"Frisk... as your friend, please forget what I said." Grillby's face looked terrified, like he revealed vital information that could cause the world to end.

"But why? Are you hiding something from me?"

Grillby ignored me as he shook up another Pink Lady for me and poured it into my martini glass.

 "In good time Frisk. I'm not hiding anything from you, just simply protecting your mind."

"How's it protecting me if I don't know anything?!" I shot up straight from my seat and slammed my hands down on the counter, making a bit of the cocktail spill on the surface. Grillby knew I had so many questions already wanting to be answered. I felt like it was only going to get worse.

"Frisk, please calm down!" Grillby put a hand on my shoulder, trying to get me to relax.

"I thought you were my frien--..." Drowsiness overwhelmed me and I uncontrollably began to fall asleep. My body was enveloped by a warm sensation as a hand outreached from behind and covered my eyes.

"Frisk, sleep..." a familiar voice spoke behind me, before I felt myself go limp and black out.

~3rd person POV~

"Sans! What the hell?!" Grillby roared at the tall skeleton, with an unconscious human girl in his arms.

"A thank you would be great," Sans replied sarcastically. "She was about to go ballistic."

"And whose fault do you think that it is?! You're confusing the poor girl!"

Sans opened his mouth to reply, but retorted his decision.

"You treat her like complete shit, then you go and kiss her?! What the hell is wrong with you?"

Sans eyes went wide in disbelief and shifted his hard gaze to the brunette who was sleeping at ease.


"I heard you Grillby!"

"Then why don't you answer?!"

Sans sighed as he gradually lifted Frisk in a careful hold. 

"I'm taking her home," Sans said gruesomely. 

"You knew she was awake didn't you?"

Sans continued to ignore the flame monster, and walked to the door briskly.

"Sans, we can't keep up this charade much longer. What you pulled could jeopardize what we've tried to protect for five years." 

This brought Sans to a stern halt and he shot a strong glare at his fellow monster friend,

"So what? You have no idea how I feel."

Grillby sighed once more, than the many times he already had. For as long as he had known Sans, he knew too much about him.

"Sans, if this is about Papyrus..."

"PLEASE... Do not bring that up. Just... let me take her home."


"Fine... but tread wisely Sans."


A/N: Sorry that I haven't updated so much, and that this chapter was so short. I was busy working and had a lot of things going on. I'm starting on the next chapter, so expect the next update soon. Thank you guys for being patient.

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