Chapter 15

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---Grillby POV---
"Dammit Sans! Pick up the phone!" The phone would ring for about six seconds before cutting out to a voicemail. 'The person you are trying to reach is not available right now. Please leave a message after the beep.'

"F*ck!" I shouted to myself before hanging up.

This was the twentieth time I tried dialing his number, and I quickly dialed it again, before it cut me to voicemail once more.

"Dammit Sans! Where are you?! I couldn't find you at home! Frisk f*cking disappeared!" I hung up the phone and rushed down the busy streets, looking for anyone who might resemble Frisk.

"I should've known she couldn't deal with it! Why the hell did I tell her?" I mumble to myself, and frantically looked down each alleyway. If something happened to her, Sans would have my dust in his hands. This time, it was my fault.

Earlier when I told Frisk what happened to Papyrus, she looked as if she was in a state of shock. It took her a few minutes to come back to reality, before she had asked me where her clothes were. She wanted to go for a walk by herself. I was completely against it. I already knew about Schwarz looking for her, his dogs come to sniff out the joint everyday until I had to put a trespass ban with them to stay out. They cops already knew about Schwarz, and he already built up quite a criminal record.

But Frisk isn't his main target, it was Sans. He was hunting down Frisk to get to Sans.

I offered to walk with her, thank God she had agreed, but I was stupid enough to believe her when she said she would wait for me to get ready after she was done. That was very stupid of me.

Because when I got dressed, she was already gone.

My first thought was her being at Sans apartment, so I dashed to the complex to only find his door wide open and his apartment trashed as if someone used their utter rage with everything that was standing.

I had no choice but to contact all of our friends, since Sans was apparently MIA.

It sent a group wide text to everyone as an urgent message.

Code Frisk: Frisk went missing! Possibly kidnapped by Schwarz.

After we left the underground, Undyne, Mettaton, Sans, Papyrus, Napstablook, King Asgore, Queen Toriel, and I made a code just incase Frisk was in any apparent danger. We all knew Schwarz's history, and he was willing to do any means necessary to bring Sans out in the open, even if it was the death of a young woman. If it ever came to that, we had a plan to meet up and take anyone down, no matter the risk to save Frisk's life.

---Frisk's POV---

"Little birdie here is waking up boss."

I woke up to a crackly type voice, standing somewhere near me. When I opened my left eye, it hurt to move my other eyelid from how swollen it was. My blood was dripping down from the side of my face, and my head hurt like a thousand needles pricking into my skull.

All I could make out from memory: I was walking down the side walk in a daze and didn't pay much attention to my surroundings. I was not fully aware that I had crossed into the projects, and that's when an unknown assailant hit my head against a brink wall and punched me in the eye to knock me out.

I struggled against my bindings, but the rope only cut deeper into my wrists as I moved them.

"Careful doll, don't want your wrists to bleed out, do you?" A sinister voice approached me as I look up, but I wasn't surprised with the identity of my captor.

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