Chapter 17

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Two days had passed since the incident with Schwarz. Right now, I'm in a hospital bed, watching House M.D. from a tiny tv in a private room. Since Schwarz was out of the picture, things were a lot calmer than they use to be. After the gang had helped Sans and me out of the warehouse, they eventually took me to the emergency room, where the nurses looked baffled at me when they saw how beaten up I was.

Luckily, my stab wound was dealt with in time or there would've been an infection. Bad news was: the cut was sort of deep. Though it didn't hit any nerves, it hit many blood vessels, which explains the amount of blood loss I had. Due to that significant amount of blood loss, the doctor was a bit blown away that I was still conscious. He wanted to keep me in the hospital for a few nights just to watch over me.

So here I am.

I had told them I gotten into a fight, which was not a lie. They believed me, even though I could tell they were thinking that there was more to the story than I was telling. But it's not like I could tell them the whole truth, or the police would've gotten involved. They probably should've, but from what Grillby explained, it would be better off without them.

"It's a bit complicated to explained, but there are still some equality issues between monsters and humans. Not all humans are willing to accept monsters into modern society. That goes to saying, it would be better for this issue to be left to us than government officials."

That explained a little bit of what Schwarz said to me.

"Because your relationship with G is a toxin to society."

I understood half of that sentence, but the other half made no sense to me. Last time I checked, Sans and I were not dating or into anything serious, even before I lost my memories. All that I remembered, that was related to anything romantic between us, was my feelings for him.

In which he sort of returned. From that, I feel like I had just won the best treasure life could offer me. I'm literally so giddy, that I was only half paying attention to the show I was watching.

Then it dawned on me, he confessed to me and I never gave him an answer.


It's been two days and I've never replied to his feelings! Now he probably thinks that I don't feel the same.

But he could've only said that because of the do or die situation.

What if he never meant it?

No, I can't let myself believe that. I have to have some hope that his words were real or I'll just be doubting myself again.

"Hey bucko, how you feeling?" Sans happened to walk into the room, with a vase full of a variety of flowers.

My attention was then completely turned away from the television and I looked up to see my favorite skeleton setting the vase down at the night stand next to me.

"I feel a lot better actually. I'm still sore all over," I replied happily, with a smile from ear to ear.

"Grillby had gotten you some flowers... I came here to deliver them."

I smirked at him and rolled my eyes, "Yeaaahhhh, Grillby bought them. Right."

"He did!"

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