Chapter 14

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I woke up, calmer than usual. No nightmare to wake me, instead I was freezing my butt off. Was it just me, or did the ceiling look a lot different? I could've sworn that I passed out in a bedroom, not on a couch.

This couch isn't mine though.

I sat up quickly to study my surroundings, and came to the surprising conclusion that this isn't Sans' apartment. I looked down to my chest and came to another disconcertment: these aren't my clothes. Wait...

Where are my clothes?!

"Where the f*ck are my clothes?! Whose shitty couch is this?!" I shouted without thinking twice. I kicked the blanket off my body and swung my legs over the edge of an unaccustomed couch. Freakin leather couch was uncomfortable anyway.

The echoes of running footsteps march down the hallway to my right, with two worried eyed monsters goggling at me. Grillby and Sans didn't waste any time to react to my shouting. This must be Grillby's apartment then.

I should probably apologize about insulting his couch.

"Frisk...," Sans says and approaches me. Funny thing is, he's wearing a frilly blue apron. I never imagined a sight like this until I really saw it for myself. My eyes met his, and all I could find in those warm sunshine irises, was empathy and uneasiness.

I stood up on my feet and strode my way towards Sans. His eyes never left mine as my hand made its way to his cheek. I softly caressed his face as a new emotion entered the look in his eyes. What I've noticed since I've reunited with him somehow, his other eye came back, as so did the change of his complexion. He went back to his compassionate side, like he originally was when I was little.

Sans was still Sans, no matter how much his appearance or personality has changed.

"Sans, what happened to you?" I said, referring to his change in body mien.

The sudden change in his eyes again was bewildering, because it was filled with many emotions that I could not comprehend. He slowly brushed his hand against mine, fear stricken with the change of the situation.

"Frisk, you...," Grillby started to say, but I subconsciously cut him off.

"I remember."

Those two words must've struck them harder than lightening, because Grillby was quieter than normal, and Sans' was shaking frantically. His eyes have left mine as he let go of my hand. Was me remembering that bad?

"How much do you remember," Grillby asks, as if he saw this coming.

My hand fell back to my side, my concern not stepping away from Sans' current reaction.

"Falling to the Underground, breaking the barrier, and till the time after Dremur city was built."

"Anything else after that?"

I shook my head no, not wanting to say that my memories stopped at a certain university campus. Sans looked relieved somewhat, but he stayed quiet, uneasy with how events are unfolding.

His soul floated from his chest, shivering and quirking as if it was filled with mixed emotions. His soul isn't blue anymore, it's in a color of a different entitlement. Not in the color of integrity like it use to be,

"Why isn't your soul blue anymore?" I asked Sans bluntly, and he flinched back, flabbergasted.

"I-I'm going h-home," Sans stuttered, not hesitating to teleport away from me.

"What..." My heart sunk to my inability of stopping him. After waking up from a trip down memory lane, an old passion came to light. It answered so many questions I constantly kept asking myself. It wasn't just a crush, I was in love.

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