Chapter 24

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My eyes fluttered open, as the sweet aroma of food entered my senses. I sat up in bed and stretched my arms as far as I'm able. I could nearly feel my mouth water from the smell of chocolate chip pancakes in the morning.

He didn't...


All of my adrenaline picked up and I rushed out of bed; following the invisible scent trail of  sweet goodness. I know that I should not be exerting myself so much, but it's chocolate AND pancakes! 

I forced myself to a halt and found myself staring at a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with a large dollop of Cool-Whip on top. My eyes were literally goggling over how delicious it looked. If the large roar from my stomach didn't say that I was starving, then what else would?

"I knew that would wake you up. You know how heavy you sleep? You sleep like the dead," Sans chuckled. Then I realized I was standing in front of him, while he had the plate of pancakes in his hand. He grinned in much amusement, while I felt like shrinking down like a deflated balloon. 

"I know better than anyone, that you don't have mental brakes when it comes to chocolate anything." 

I awkwardly felt my cheeks flare pink. 

Oh my God, I never really grew up, have I? 

I'm still a kid in this time defying adult body. Now my boyfriend is making fun of me for it. 

I snatch the plate out of his hand and gave him a playful shove. 

"Stop making fun of me," I grumbled as I sat down on a bar-stool and began to eat at the kitchen bar table.

"Awww, don't be like that."

"You're treating me like an eight year old," I grumbled, stabbing down at one of the pancakes with a fork.

"Sometimes you act like one," he said, as he pulled out the other bar-stool next to me and sat in it.

"And sometimes you act like an asshole," I mumbled in between bites.

"Thank you, thank you; I try very hard," Sans said sarcastically.

After I practically breathed in my food, I patted my stomach with a carefree grin. 

"BURRRP", the sound escaped my mouth. I played it off as if I burped on purpose, but it caught Sans off guard. He looked at me a bit wide-eyed, not haven spoken a single syllable, to comment on my unladylike like behavior. 

"What?" I raised my brow at him, still pretending that I was not embarrassed about belching so loudly. Sans face became straight, but it didn't take long for him to start snickering and eventually almost falling over in laughter. 

My facade completely flew out the window. The embarrassment was now more apparent on my face. I felt worse each time Sans had to deeply breathe in, so he wouldn't suffocate from the lack of oxygen. 

"Hahahahahaha," Sans laughed so hard. It was as if me burping was the funniest thing on planet Earth. 

"Jeez, can you calm down. It was not that funny." I sulked into my seat, practically slugging away as I went to put my plate in the sink. 

"Okay... okay..." Sans said and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"I've never heard you burp in awoke," Sans chuckled and stood up from his seat.

"I never felt comfortable burping out in public. I'm not as relaxed."

"I'm honored you feel so comfortable around me."

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