Chapter 16

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Hello there!

Are you wondering what's happening right now, by any chance?

Well, I'm tied to a chair by a pathetic a**hole, who has dollar signs for eyes. My face is beat up, oh and my leg is bleeding out from being stabbed by a damn pocket knife! I'm being held up: in God knows where, and being treated as bait, to only have Sans and me killed.

That's not only it though: I'm being tortured even more as I continue to break this fourth wall.

Surprised? Neither am I.

"Hey b*tch! I didn't give you permission to look away." Schwarz chuckles disgustingly and kicks me in my bad leg. I groan as the pain strikes up my thigh, making it bleed more down my shin and onto the concrete floor.

I growled at him and forced myself to look up at him, only to be smacked in the face for the thirty-third time. This should've knocked me out by now, but considering I was losing a lot of blood, I had to keep myself awake, so I wouldn't die before I get the chance to escape.

"We can't have you dying of blood loss now... Dying comes later," Schwarz snaps his fingers and then some of his lackeys bring out a first aid kit. They began to poorly stitch up the stab wound in my leg and didn't bother to clean the wound first. They shoved a rag in my mouth, because I nearly screamed during every stitch. Though they wrapped my leg nicely, blood was still leaking out slowly in the tight bandage.

Why bother stitching it? They want to kill me anyway.

"Come on... Scream for me, become aggravated some more!"

Schwarz yanks my hair up and continues to yank, until I felt close to breaking.

"Come on Frisky baby, we need you break. That soul of yours is the direct link to your mate's. He can feel everything you're feeling, once you have a slight break of sadness or fear seeping out!"

My mate? How is Sans my mate?

I completely ignored the gross fact that Schwarz just called me "baby". I wasn't going to let him get to me.

"Tough cookie aren't yah?" Schwarz throws me down as the chair tilts and clatters to the floor, with me in it.

"Ughh," I grunted, as my sore leg hits the floor first. Conveniently, the pocket-knife just happened to be within reach of my hands. I don't think he notices, as I grab the blade and shove it against my rope bindings.

Finally after of ten minutes of lying there, the rope breaks and my wrists becomes lose. As Schwarz continues to jabber me with insults, I pretend my hands are still tied together, gripping the pocket-knife in my hand to wait for a perfect opportunity.

"Little bird told me you had amnesia," Schwarz starts.

"You probably don't know the entire truth on why your beloved mate resented you the past few years."

Stupid as I was, my eyes trailed to Schwarz, who was sitting in his chair with a sh*t eating grin on his face. That smile he has now, it's terrifying me. He jabbed me with lies this entire time, and now he gets straight to the nerve.

"He doesn't resent me..." I said, with my lips cracked with dried blood on it.

"Oh he doesn't now? Why do you think he avoided to confront you all those years up until now?"

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