Chapter 9

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"Sans, wait up!"

"You're going too slow kiddo, and I'm the lazy one."

"Hahahaha, at least you admit it!"

"Hehehe, not denying anything, kid."

I woke up from a strange dream again like I had that one night a few days ago. Instead of it being a nightmare, it felt warm and peaceful. My laughter sounded more like a child's, but I'm not sure if it was mine or not. Not sure if I can piece it together, but in my dream, Sans was there. He wasn't like he was now, he was more outgoing and smiled more often. Somehow it felt comforting and like I was there before. 

But it was just a dream, right?

"Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty. Grillby wouldn't want you late for work," Sans mocked me, while holding onto a cup of coffee. 

I lifted myself off the couch, feeling every knot in my hair pulling at my scalp, as I tried to groom it down with my fingers.   

"Well it wasn't exactly my fault my car is lost out at sea, seeing as SOMEONE threw it in the ocean yesterday," I spoke out of spite, emphasizing a certain word.

I could recall the exact memory of when Sans did that, and the argument that led up to him picking up my car, with his magic, and just chucking it into the ocean behind my old apartment building.

"Hey, Grillby did say that I take you to work every day."

"Yeah, but that didn't mean you had to take a vehicle, that I worked so hard to pay off on, and throw it into the water! I'm lucky I keep most of my identification stuff with me and not in my car."

"Then no need to worry. Don't have a cow, woman," Sans replied with an amused smirk. 

Ooohh that smirk of his is going to make me hurt him one day, I swear!


"This is how you shake a cocktail properly," Grillby said, as he instructed me to use the shaker. 

"Then you strain the liquid into a martini glass like this." Grillby pushes a wired strainer onto the rim of the shaker and pours out the freshly made cocktail.

"Here, you try mixing this time." Then he handed me a clean cup and shaker. One ounce of gin, half ounce of grenadine, and two ounces of heavy cream. Yes I can do this!

I take the shot glass, as Grillby showed me earlier, and measured the liquor carefully. Too much or too less would alter the taste of the drink. I then scoop some ice into my shaker and dumped in into the cup with the savoring, but intoxicating alcohol. I pushed the shaker onto the the cup and took it up in my hands. I did my best to angle it correctly, but it seems I didn't raise my arms high enough, because Grillby corrected my position for me. 

After I shook it for a good few seconds, I took the strainer, and did my best to pour the cocktail in a nice chilled martini glass. But I accidentally got some on the counter.

"There, how's that taste Grillby?"

Grilly picked up the glass and took a sip, he sat there judging for a few seconds, before giving me a thumbs up.

"Yes!" I said to myself, full of confidence.

"Not bad on your first try. We'll work on it more so you'll get the hang of using the shaker."

Then a jingle came from the front entrance, indicating a customer came in. It wasn't to anyone surprise though, as it was who I thought it would be.

"How's she doing Grillbz? Making her slave away?" 

"Hey, you're lucky you're a customer at the moment, so I advise you to shut it," I glare at Sans for his smart aleck remark.

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