Chapter 8

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"You're nothing but a freak!"

"Girl, you must be out of your mind!"

"You're a sick excuse for a human being!"

"People like you shouldn't exist!"


My eyes shot open and sat up quickly from my position. I held my chest tightly and my breathing was haggard by anxiety. I bit my lip hard to condemn my thoughts to the back of my mind. 

"Sounded like quite a nightmare.."

My gaze darted to Sans sitting in a corner with a lit cigarette in his fingers. He took a large puff of smoke and let the smoke rise from his lips. He made smoking look irresistible, even though it was one of the most unhealthy habits ever.

I couldn't help but realize and admit to myself, that I was becoming more aware of him. Sans made me hate his guts, but at the same time, I wondered more about him. I couldn't help but to be drawn to him by this confusion he's creating in my brain. 

"Why are you doing this?" I blurted out without hesitation.

"Doing what, sweetheart?" Sans took in another drag, not looking directly at me.

"Don't be coy," I spat at him viciously.

"I have no earthly idea what you're yammering on about."

My hand gripped into a fist and confusion and annoyance filled me to the brim. 

"Don't play me for a fool Sans! You treat me like dirt at the crevice of your boot, but then you take me in when I have no home to go to. You're confusing the hell out of me! Do you like me or not?!"

Sans looked at me directly this time, while my lungs were gasping for air. I think I over did it with the yelling. 

"It's not you I have a personal issue with. It's with all humans in general."

My eyes blinked a few times, perplexed with such an outward comment. "Then why be nice to me?"

Sans crushed his cigarette into his ash tray and inhaled the air rather than the smoke. "I've been watching you for a few years. You're... different."

My heart skipped once he said that. Whether it was a complement or not, somehow I felt like it was beyond more than his own explanation.

Sans paused for a moment to walk to the window and looked at the night sky. 

"What do you mean by different?"

Sans turned to look at me, and the first time ever, his expression became softer.

"Everyday I would come into your diner, you would look me in the eye when you asked me what I wanted to order. Your eyes never seemed to wary, no matter how many times I visited you."

"What?" He was making things absolutely no sense to me at all.

"I'm saying that you look at me the same way you look at others. Not scared or disgusted, but normal."

 That was when all my confusion fell from me. I understood somewhat, what he was saying. I couldn't be too sure.  

"So, you've come to see me every day because I was different?"

"Yea..." Sans face was a bit flustered. It seemed that admitting something like that wasn't really his thing.

"Then why did you kiss me? I had a feeling you knew I wasn't really asleep."

Sans gasped at my seamless sense of awareness. His eyes darted to the carpet, as if he was trying to come up with a convincing excuse; an excuse that might persuade me away from the subject of my curiosity.

"I...I was curious."

My eyes blinked at him a few times. 

That was the best excuse Sans could think of, after a good five minutes of just looking at the floor?

"Riiiiiigggghhhhhhtttt," I responded sarcastically, not believing in his lie.

"I was! I was curious with how every human I find, is repulsive, but you... you're not."

Sans paused for a moment, before a yellow glow began to beat from his chest. The faster his yellow heart was pumping, the faster a yellow bloom dusted his cheeks with embarrassment. 

 So I... wanted to see how it felt to kiss you.."

My chest also began to glow red, with a sensation that I feel like I've felt before, but didn't recognize it. My face became hot and I just stared at this blushing skeleton, for like a good minute before shaking my head. 

"Let's just move on from that and forget it ever happened, okay?" Sans voice sounded weak and vulnerable. Just at this moment, with Sans' mien, he looked hurt and he wanted me to know he was. And this was by how he looked straight at me with that expression grim across his face.

What has made him so hurt and sad, that he would hate humans for it?

The tension seemed to ease off and my heart felt lighter than it has the past several weeks. The air actually felt a little clearer to breathe in. Nothing was completely clear, but at least it has comes to my knowledge that he doesn't hate me.

"So..." I stand up and kicked the blanked off of my legs. "Now that I know nothing is really personal... does that mean we're friends?"

Sans blankly stared at me in response. I could be imagining things, but was there a slight twinge of hurt from his reaction? 

"Friends? I don't think so. Too soon to judge that."

"What then?"

"I don't know; people who know each other?"



Sans was so frustrating to talk to. He went from depressed to normal within minutes. How can someone accomplish being over bi-polar?

"I guess acquaintances it is then," I said as I walked over to him, holding out my hand.

"What?" He asked, with a questionable demeanor. 

"It's called a handshake."

"No shit, Sherlock. But why?"

Couldn't help but smile at his amusing expression. He can be funny when he wants to be.

"Let's start over with introductions, we kinda met due to bad situations."

Sans looked down at my hand and grimaced. He obviously didn't want to touch me.

"Nice to meet you Sans, I'm Frisk." I grabbed his hand and forced him to shake hands with me. He was a bit caught of guard, from the way he jumped when I grabbed his hand.

I honestly thought he was going to throw my hand to the side, since he found most humans repulsive. Surprisingly, he didn't. He did the exact opposite of my expectations. 

Sans genuinely laughed.

"Hahahaha, you're FRISKy for a human." 

My visage was not amused. "Shut up and do it properly."

"Fine fine."

Sans gently shook my hand. And with this, it was a beginning of our new acquaintanceship. 

"Likewise, Frisk, likewise."

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