Chapter 25

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Few moments later...



Another moment passes...



The inventor of alarm clocks must've not had many friends. Yet I'm one of those suckers who invested about $20 into getting one, because I can't rely on myself to get up on time. There by the bedroom door, pieces, of a once perfectly good alarm clock, were scattered on the floor. I've now become violent to inanimated objects. This is where my mornings have brought me to.

Way to go Frisk. What a waste of twenty bucks.

Forcing myself to sit up, my bare skin met with the cool crisp air. I shivered a bit, unexpecting it to be cold.

Why am I so cold?

I look down on myself and realized I was in my bra and underwear.

Oh my God... Did we?

I turned my head to Sans's sleeping form. Though his jacket was thrown across the room, he was still in his cream colored turtleneck. I felt relieved, yet disappointed. We didn't do anything after all.

How did he not wake up to a sudden crash?

And here I thought I was the heavy sleeper.

My memories carried me back to the night before. Sans and I got carried away in a heated kiss. One thing led to another, and he teleported us back to the apartment bedroom.

'Wait Sans... I.. I'm not ready.'

I remembered what I said to him that made him stomp on his breaks. Sans was no more than a gentleman and respected my feelings. It seemed like he had to put in much effort to get himself back under control.

If I didn't speak up when I did, I probably would've woken up with more bare skin than right now. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I didn't want to. Its just... it would've been too fast for us.

"Get up lazy bones. Don't you have work?"

I shook his arm a bit and his peaceful expression turned sour. Sans sat up with an unsatisfactory gloom hanging over him. He then stared at the shattered pieces of plastic and glass next to the door, not phased at all by it. He did not question what I did or how I managed to throw anything that hard.

"You're cleaning that up," he yawned and kicked the blanket off his legs.

"As much as I would love to stay in bed, we really need to get up... we both have jobs," I said, awkwardly smiling.

"To hell with jobs," Sans growled and pulled himself up and went to retrieve his jacket.

I had promised Grillby I would be coming back to work today. Though he said I could use as much sick leave as I need to, but I couldn't bring myself to do that. It would be taking advantage of my job. That's not what I wanted.

After cleaning up the remains of a shattered mess, I didn't think to put on some clothes. So I walked around, in nothing but my bra and panties, as if it was nothing out if the ordinary.


I found him in the kitchen, his mood was more irritable than usual. If it was anything, it would've been about last night. Did I let him down too hard?

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