An awkward every were week😨

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Tessa's PoV- I haven't kissed him yet. It's upsetting. I've been dating him but we haven't kissed. He was acting weird but I didn't care. Then I was sitting in the office when I heard Jake, Anthony, And Emilio, fight about who's a better kisser. I looked at Emilio and said...
Tessa- your brother is a sloppy kisser Teala said so your prob not better. Hahahahahhahahah is that why you haven't kissed me yet?
Emilio- no *shrugs*
Anthony- And you guys are dating!
Emilio- no
Tessa- no........ I didn't want to make the first move.😕
Jake- well let's do a who's better kisser part 2!
Anthony- I'm down
Emilio- really
Tessa- sure but you guys have to brush your teeth. 😂😬
Emilio- ok
Jake- ok
Emilio's PoV- I wasn't really cool with jake and Anthony kissing Tessa but I needed to seem cool so she wouldn't fight with me again. My jealousy was taking over my life!
Jake- ok so I'm 2, Anthony your 1, Emilio your 3rd. Ok?
Everyone/ ok!
Anthony went first and I was really jelly but I didn't say anything..
Tessa's PoV/ the first one sucked I really didn't like it. He was really sloppy and just everywhere. The second one was pretty good I kind of think that That one was Anthony. The next one I knew was Emilio because he didn't stop. It went on for one whole minute. It was great and I loved it, great posture, great everything.
Me- the third one I liked the best, second one is second place and the very first one I really didn't like it was really sloppy.
Anthony- I was the first 😭
Jake- I was the second 😗
Emilio- I was the third 😘❤️😍😍
I stood up and I pushed Ivan out of the way and kissed Emilio. I didn't care, I kissed him for a good 40 seconds! He looked at me and smiled his blue ocean eyes. 👁🌊💧
*another stupid team 10 meeting*
Me- so what's the meeting about
Emilio put his arm around me.
Jake- so me and Kade put a little microphone in Alex's Ear when we knocked him out. And.......
Me- And............. What?!
Emilio- Alex wants to kidnap you.....😵
I started to cry. I couldn't help it. I went to my room and cried. Someone knocked on my door I thought it was Emilio but it was chance. I got up and said hi. Chance walked in and said that he has a girlfriend now and that he's changed. I let him sit on my bed and we talked. I talked till I started to cry again. I really liked talking to chance now, he really listened good. Then me and chance fell asleep talking with each other. Then after about 20 minutes of sleep I wake up to Emilio pushing chance of the bed.
Emilio- what's going on.
Me- Babe let me explain!
Emilio runs out of my room and packs his stuff. I was watching him,
Me- BABY! Just let me expla-
Emilio- no I'm sorry Tessa, you like chance you guys are both like so unbelievable!
He ordered an uber and I begged him not to go. I cried and cried. Till the uber got to our house.
Me- I LOVE YOU EMILIO!!! I yelled so he knew that I loved him.
Emilio- no you don't.
He left I saw the uber leave.....
I cried. I fell to the floor and died crying I sat on the grass crying. Alissa and Erika trying to calm me down but I couldn't. I sat there crying sobbing. And I heard the sweet accent of his brother Ivan. Ivan knelt down and hugged me I cried into him for 3 hours straight.
Ivan- it's ok. He does this. He did this with my mom.
Me- no he's gone forever..........
I cried didn't do anything else but cry I went to my room cried.
3 weeks later
I haven't come out of my room, I'm stalking Emilio Social media he's not posting. I of course texted him but every time I do I cry. I didn't even want Jen coming in. I called him and he answered.
Me- EMILIO were are you!
Emilio- friends house
Me- Emilio I love you
Emilio- you wouldn't have been cuddling with him then.
Me- I was talking to him then I fell asleep
Emilio- I know you like him
Me- Emilio Martinez I love you and not even the hottest most muscular boy in the world will ever replace you. Especially Chance.
Emilio- fine
Me- please come back baby!
Emilio- ok
Me- I love you more then you know baby
Emilio- I love you more then you know to.
Line goes dead....................
What will happen?!
What will happen to Tessa again!
Its every day bra!!! PEACE!!!
827 words
Shoutout: Wassupbrosita
How to get shoutout: leave a comment on my recent chapter.

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