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Tessa's PoV- when I went back to the stupid stick, I found that it was positive. I cried, Then Erika knocked on the door...
Erika- hey, it's ok you will be a great mom
Me- I don't care that I'm having a baby it's just that... It's Alex's baby! 😭
Erika - listen I get that your scared but you can't keep this a secret. Emilio will gladly take care of it.
Me- I know..... But I'm not ready to tell anyone nor if I will tell anyone.
Erika- I'm organising a Team 10 meeting!
Me- Erika let me tell Emilio privately!
Erika- EMILIO!!!!
*Emilio walks in*
Emilio- what's wrong??
I was still crying...
Me- me. Emilio, me
Emilio- babe for real what's wrong.
Me- I'm.... I'm....... I'm..... Pregnant
Emilio- wait how?!
Me- Alex... Alex.... You know..
Emilio- Tessa no!
Me- I'm so sorry Emilio
Emilio- no babe it's not your fault you had no control over it. I will love you always and forever.
Me- really..
Emilio- is that really a question! I will love you no matter what! Even if we're 1,000,000 miles apart!
I hugged Emilio and we kissed.
Then the meeting was next. Each step I took felt like my body was giving up. Each step I felt that my body was melting down. On the last step to the office Emilio kissed my cheek and told me that "everything was going to be ok."
As I opened the door to the office they new it was important news.
Alissa- hey girl
Me- ok you guys... Listen..... I'm.... Im....
As they all stared at me I felt like throwing up.
Me- I'm pregnant
Alissa- Omfg HOYYYYAA.
Ivan stared at me blankly then gave me a happy smile, he looked at Emilio and smirked 😏
Alissa- who's Alissa? The only person I know is Aunt Alissa!
Me- here's a list!...
Me/ ok Alissa- your Aunt Alissa or Aunt Violet, Erika- your Aunt Erika or Grandma! 😆😆 Jake your nothing lol jake your Uncle Jake. Ivan your, Ummmmm...... Your... The.... Father! Hahahahah I'm kidding! Emilio your the father! And Ivan is the actual Uncle you all are just Godmothers and stuff. But whatever he baby decides to call you. Ok. I know I didn't get everyone but all of you are Cousins and Aunts and uncles . But Nick is the Grandpa! Hahahahah!!
Nick- omg really
*6 months pregnant*
Emilio's PoV- we found out that the baby is a girl. I'm a dad! Yay!!!
What will the baby girls name be?!
I wonder maybe if I get some comments ?
How to get a shoutout) just leave a comment on my recent chapter

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