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Tessa PoV- I had noticed that the downstairs was really quiet so I went down to investigate. Jake and Reina were quietly sitting on the first couple of steps talking. Other Jake was listening to music with headphones. Ivan was at the store with Nick chance and Anthony. Erika had left to go see what was wrong with Alissa and everything else was fine. As I walked over to Ivan who just got back with the rest someone burst in the doorway. It was Alex. My heart dropped I immediately ran to the kids o grabbed Reina and Jake. I pushed them upstairs and when I heard him point a gun at me and Ivan's head and told the kids that if they didn't stop and listen that they would shoot me and Ivan. Reina screamed NO!! J.J (I'm using jj as a name for Jake the baby so that there's no confusion) was looking at Alex contently. He stared into his eyes and gazed back "nobody's messing with Mommy and Uncle E!" J.J said. Alex moved slowly over to Alex. Jake, Chance, Anthony, and Ivan all came in front of Alex. Ivan grabbed me and the kids and took us upstairs. We told Emilio the commotion he said he just thought that Reina screamed because of something funny happening you all know that it's not that rare to see Reina scream. "I know" I replied. I called Erika to not come home and to stay away as long as I tell her to. I heard fighting so Emilio and Ivan went downstairs. I had to get me and the kids out of here. WAIT! I have to get the ladder so I can go down. I grabbed the ladder from Jakes room and put it on the back of the porch. Reina went first then J.J then me. Then I saw that Emilio and Ivan and everyone else was climbing down the rope. They had knocked him out but not for long we all ran to the team 10 van. I sat in the back seat with the kids crying. Anthony and chance were in the trunk. Emilio sat with the kids and me. Jake drove and Nick sat up front. Ivan sat with Anthony and Chance in the back. After that we booked almost an INTIRE floor of a hotel for a week at the least. We met up with Erika but we slowly realised that we left everything behind.
Hello SAVAGE SQUAD! And today's shoutout go's to my girl VickyChan0307 thanks for leaving a comment on my recent. And umm so you all know that all you have to do is leave a comment on this and vote to be entered in the shoutout contest people! ITS EVERYDAY BRO! Peace!

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