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I decided to make the picture my cat because we all love a good kitty am I right?

Years went by. Emilio and Tessa and Reina lived happily ever after. Alex was thrown in prison and Chance well no one had heard from him after he kissed Tessa and got his ass beat. Tessa had a job in modeling and from time to time stared in movies acting was her dream. Emilio had a part time job since Tessa made a lot of Money. Tessa continued her YouTube channel and the same with Emilio. They both left team 10 and got a house closer to her moms house. Emilio and Tessa were so so happy with everything. There life there house. Everything was perfect and it was going to stay that way. For a long, long time.

" I love you so so much Tessa Martinez." Emilio said walking one day with Tessa. " I love you too Emilio." She replied softly speaking. Reina then swung around from holding both of there hands while walking. Tessa giggled a little and watched the brunette 4 year old giggle and swung from her parents arms. Emilio looked down and giggled slightly. " momma.... look... theirs that boy!" Reina said softly as she ran into the park. Tessa had a smirk on her face. "Boy?!" Emilio scoffed. " there 4 years old it means nothing." Tessa said smirking at him. The boy slowly planted a kiss on Reinas cheek. " TESSA!!" Emilio exclaimed. Tessa burst into laughter holding Emilio back. " calm down!! It's just a kiss!" She laughed. Tessa sat down as Reina ran up to them explaining what had happened. They all laughed and giggled and smiled. There was never a dull moment with them.

They stayed up still midnight playing games and finally all fell asleep in each others arms. " I wove you..." Reina said in her sleepy high pitched voice. Tessa smiled softly kissing Emilio softly. " goodnight my babies. I love you." Tessa said softly falling asleep. " I love you too... all of you." Emilio spoke softly before they all fell asleep in each other's arms.

HI!! Oh my god does it feel good to be back! I missed you guys so much and I saw how much my story has grown! It's been ranked which is amazing to me! This was the end of temilio! I hope you guys all enjoyed my story and thank you so much for you're love and support. I met amazing people on this app. You guys are all loved. If anyone of you need someone to talk to you can talk to me through here or through my instagram. @401.peyton ily all so so much! Give some more story ideas in the comments below maybe! Alright you guys goodbye! Peyton... signing off. 💕

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