Part 39

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I laid back on the bed staring up at the groves in the ceiling. I know he will be back with even more questions, but I can't  or don't want to answer them. He knows what happens, he knows who did it, and he knows talking about it makes it worse for me.

Why didn't he stay gone? Why does he always show up at the best times? 

I closed my eyes trying to disappear for now. Maybe if I'm asleep when he gets back he wont bother me?

Even if it means the possibility of nightmares, I prefer to do that instead of staying awake. Staying awake means dealing with him, the memories, and the bruises. At least if I sleep I'll be able to just relive the memories and not deal with answering questions over and over again, but there is a small possibility I wont have any nightmares. 

Hopefully I won't. 

I let my eyes close with nothing but darkness clouding my mind. 

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