The 1000th annual hunger games

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I don't own any rights to the hunger games or any references to the games written by Suzanne Collins. This is only a fanfic taken place after the Mockingjay Rebellion. But most of the characters, except a few are mine, the arena and settings, District 14 and 15 are also my ideas

Copyright 2014 emerald_flame (I'm not giving out my full name)

Chapter 1

"And for the 40th quarter quell, to remind us that we, the capital, will never be defeated by anybody of any age, Each district must reap 8 children age 10-18~and yes I just said 10. And for the first time in the hunger games history, we will have 10 year olds compete in the annual hunger games~ per district in one huge fantastic hunger games. As always, the Capitol citizens get to decide what we special attractions for the fantabulicious quarter quell we get to create for our tributes." President Stitch says, reading off the letter with a 1000 on it. He shouts it, arms wide as if he was to give me a hug, which being the torturous man he is, he would never do, unless to his snobby, uptight daughter, Vitale. Vitale was smirking in the background, flipping her purple hair. 

After the Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark died, the Capitol took rule again and created two more districts. The revived District Twelve and District Thriteen becasue the Capitol needs them, no matter how much the Capitol hates to admit, though, Disrict 12 and 13 are still watched closely.  District 14 and 15 are treated like the middle districts, kind of out of sight. Espeically my district, 15. In fact, we're so neglected, I hunt for good everyday and never get caught. I, at age 16 am the oldest kid in family and since my father has a leg immobility, he can't move an inch without making a noise, so being the I am the oldest child, I'm the main bread winner. Earlier today, I hunted enough food to feed the family today and tommorrow after the reaping. My father works in the local  meat patty making factory. District 15 is the Fast food making district, because the Capitol citizens are too lazy to make it themselves. They just order it through smart walls. They don't even struggle with money. They just ask for it and it comes. My family mostly presses burgers down and stuff like that. In class, they tell us about times before Panem was here. They called it 'North America'. On the map, it says we were somewhere called  around Ohio. Around here, we have a lot of woods.

"Ara" My little sister, Belladonna asks (My nickname is Ara,my real name is Amaranth)

"Yeah, Bells" I say.

"1'm 10, will I get reaped?" she whimpers.

"No, you only have one slip in thousands. You won't get chosen." I reply.

"Why would they widen the range for a quell? They know 12 year olds can't win and certainly not 10 year olds." My brother, Cedar , age 14 asks me.

"The Capital is cruel." My father says, tears streaming down his amber eyes. Most of the burger floppers, what I call the men and woman who work in the factories, resemble each other with straight brown hair and blue eyes. That's why my family is a bit different.  I have blond hair and green eyes, a rarity in 15. My looks seem more district One, but honestly why would I care when I need to feed my family on the limited resourses I have. Cedar has long brown hair and amber eyes like glowing ember after a fire.Bells has the bluest of blue eyes  and light brown hair, so honestly where I get my blonde fromis a mystery. Cricket, even as a twelve year old, her first reapng this year, is beautiful, looks just like my mother. she has dark brown curls and eyes the color of the indulgent dark chocolate that 15 produces.

My mother died, having Bells, six years ago when I was 10. She taught to me to hunt with knifes, bows and arrows, and how to survive in the woods. I only hunt alone. Usually another person doesn't help the cause. The only weapon we have in 15 is kitchen knifes and the only thing most people cut is a patty. More people would venture into the woods if they could throw knifes easily. Ever since my mother died when I was 10, we were short on money. She was the main income, even though she worked your average burger flopping job. She would hunt in the forests and mountains around us and trade at the hob. Of course, I went along only a few times, being that I was a mere child. But I did pick up a lot of kn owalage of survival and weaponry, an avantage to the average tribute. It's like being a career. My father just burger flops. Until I was 12, we lived off Father and it was hard. Most nights, we had nothing to eat. But when I was 12, I saw a recap of Katniss Everdeen's hunger games and It reminded me of Mother. I thought, why not? So I used the break in the fence behind our house to enter the forest. I found a crossbow, a bow and arrow, and some rope and some knifes in Mother's old hiding place. Thank you, mother! I was ok at cross bow and archery but surprisingly good at knife throwing. My family consists of Me(Female, 16)Cedar(male,14), Cricket(female, 12) and Bells(female,10) and My father.

Soon enough, my family lived off the animals I killed. I took Cricket a few times but she frayed away. She said it looked painful. She begged me, cried even for them, to heal their collapsed torsos. I took Cedar, but he was obnoxious and loud. Every step he took sounded like a beast was raging. He scared al the game away.But finally I took Bells. She was quiet and didn't fray away. She was just fine a hunter and was pretty good at archery. She would survive in the hunger games,but if she by any slim chance gets chosen, I will volunteer for her. We make a good team. I just hope doesn't get tessare. If she does, on the bright televison before I notice and tell her not to, she'll be deeper in. Being one of the smallest and  the poorest districts, she'll have less of a chance of being chosen. We are the poorest and second smallest. Rats wonder freely as they please through out the district. A rat scampers though my legs.  I dont bother it, it may be poisonous. Ahhh, district 15, where you can die in safety.

"Ara. Now that I'm eligible, what will you do if I get chosen?"Bells asks me.

"You won't be chosen. And if you do, I will volunteer for you." I say.

"Promise?" Bells says.

"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a fryer in my eye" I say.

"Will you do it for Cedar and me, too?" Cricket whispers.

"I can't do it for Cedar, since he's a boy. They will pull 4 boys and 4 girls. I can't volunteer for a boy, since I am a girl. But Cricket, If your chosen, I'll volunteer for you, too. " I say. Bells whimpers in the corner.

"What's the matter Bells? Is it that this is different, them accepting 10 year olds. You won't get picked."

"Amaranth, I took tessarae.I'm going to die "

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