Chapter 22-vistors

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Somebody stood over my alliance. I quietly approached them.

"Hello Amaranth." They said.

"Who are you?" I ask the intruder.

"Who do you think I am?" the voice said. They are definitely a male.

"A career searching revenge." I say

"No, sweetheart" He said, empasizing sweetheart.

"You're Hawk,aren't you?" I say remembering his interview.

"Ding ding ding sweetie. I was looking for you, Baby"

"Can't you decide on a cheesy nickname and stick with it?" I say. I can practically hear Cheddar announcing that I am a sure heartbreaker.

"How lil' Baby, you feisty heartbreaker. Now, remember, I am deeply in love with you. Feel free to give me a kiss. Maybe... you'll change your mind." He says. Catniss rises up, noticing Hawk.

"Who are you?" She stutters, bringing out her Machete.

"Relax, it's just Hawk,he couldn't hurt anyone if he tried." I say hostilely.

"Ouch, lil' Baby, that hurt. Now I demand a I'm so sorry kiss. Please." He say.

"Oh right, you two are in love." Catniss sarcastically says.

" Yeah. Can you leave?" I say politely but firmly.

"Oh lil' Baby no no no, I have to stay here, with you, I happen to love you, lil' Baby." Hawk slurs. I swear, he is drunk. By this time, Dahila and Anya wake up, ready to run and/or fight.

"It's just Hawk. He's not going to do any harm to you."

"Oh good. Lover boy, get over here." Dahila mischievously says, with, even in the night, a slight glimmer in her eye.

"But I wanna stay with lil' Baby." He complains, in his new cocky attitude.

"Can you stop calling lil' Baby? And what is up with that accent. Don't be so cocky, you idiot." I say.

"Ok, fine, but It's fun talking like that, Amaranth." Hawk says, like a normal person, "Can we ally, at least?"

"Special skills?" I ask.

"Hand to hand combat and strength." He replies.

"What have you got?" I ask.

"A sleeping bag, a bow and 19 arrows and some soup from a sponsor. And also, some fresh baked love for you Amaranth."

"Ok, other than that last part, I'd say you're in. Especially surviving this far without an ally." I say.

"Oh but I did.He died yesterday." Hawk says, putting his head down.

"What District?" Fox said firmly, surprising us all. I thought he was sleeping through this.

"D-district Seven." Hawk replies, raising his head a little.

"Welcome. You are to share a sleeping bag with Fox. Anya, take A sleeping bag, you're with Amaranth." Dahila instructs, slipping into her own sleeping bag.

"Or we could just go with the current sleeping arrangements and have Amaranth and Hawk in Hawk's bag. Catniss says, winking at Hawk. I try to protest but they have already made up their mind. He lays it out.

"Get in." he says.

"I don't need a sleeping bag." I say, denying my need for warmth.

"It's a cold night. Get in, you need it." Hawk sternly says.

"No, I don't." I say.

'Amaranth, you're shivering. Get in, or I'll drag you in." he threatens.

" Why do you care so much?" I ask, frustrated.

"Because I care for you. I actually want you to win. More than me. If you and me are the last ones, then I'll take my life."

"Why? Why do you care for a girl on the poorer side of town?"

"Because, you're just so... just so..."

"I get the point." I say, finally giving in and slipping into the sleeping bag. What's the point? I'm eventually going to get in anyways. Hawk smirks a little and then gets in. Everyone is fast asleep now. Anya looks much older than twelve. Her red hair in a waterfall plait, sleeping calmly and her lightly freckled pale skin made her look sixteen instead just a mere twelve. I'd rather her survive than me. She has a whole life ahead of her. I don't want her to see much pain. I don't want her scarred. Dahila acts much older than ten and looks 13. Her dark skin and her hair in short, twisted pigtails makes her look innocent, like she should be playing hopscotch, not The Hunger Games.

"Crazy, these games are right." Hawk whispers to me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean only one fifth of us gets out, and so many have died in the last couple days. Everyone seems stronger in these last rounds." He replies, "even if they were the weakling."

"So much has happened. these games change people. Even in matter of minutes." I say.

"No ones going to watch this, the Capitol will block this out so, I HATE THE HUNGER GAMES. I HATE THE CAPITOL! I HATE IT ALL!" Hawk shouts.

"I HATE STITCH! I HATE THE DRAMA OF EVERY YEAR, SCARED TO DEATH OF THE CAPITOL! I HATE THE HUNGER GAMES!" I shout. It's good to get it out, "we should probably stop." After an awkward silence, I say, "What now?"

"I don't know, what if we got to know each other. I don't really know you well." Hawk replied.

"Well, uh... what's your favorite color?" I ask.

"Green, like the trees." He responds, "How about you?"

"Black, like the night." I respond.

"What do you like to do?" He asks.

"What I have to." I reply, "Now, what do you like to do?"i smile. This is actually fun.

"I like foot massages from girls like you." I roll my eyes at his remark, but can't help a small laugh.

"What's your preferred food?" I ask.

"I'd have to say that sweet soup I got from a sponsor." He blows a kiss to the sky, I'm sure sending many Capitol girls into giggles, "how 'bout you, my sweet Amaranth?" He sets a kiss on my cheek. I blush.

"You like that, lil' Baby?" He flirts.

"I might." I flirt back, "if you stop calling me lil' Baby."

" Aww, my girl like my kiss. How sweet." He says to absolutely no one. I'm surprised Zap has barked to Hawk yet.

"I think I like the sweet curry with those mini vegetables in it. Gotta love the capitol." I say. I'm actually really liking this. Who knew a boy I thought of as stupid could be really funny. He's still stupid though. I can practically hear Cheddar talking about me being 'scandalous with my loving.' I stare into Hawk's deep blue eyes. He leans in. I return the gesture with a gentle kiss on the lips.

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